Phil Myers


Location: Franklin, NC
Country: US

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Farther Along

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:31
John Hawk and Phil Myers play Tony Vines mountain dulcimers at historic Smokemont Baptist Church in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Phil Myers
03/02/25 07:13:15AM @phil-myers:

Thanks Cindy!

Cindy Stammich
01/29/25 11:00:32PM @cindy-stammich:

This is so so beautiful!   This is such a great song and wonderful setting!
My mom and I visited that church in the late 90’s.  We were blessed by several gentlemen singing acapella.  It was wonderful but I sure wish you had been there 😊🎶🙏

Phil Myers
12/01/24 02:06:33PM @phil-myers:

Thanks Jim!

Jim Dickens
12/01/24 10:34:11AM @jim-dickens:

Thank you for such a beautiful rendition. A very special song in my family. 

Phil Myers
11/30/24 08:11:53PM @phil-myers:

Thanks friends!

Homer Ross
11/26/24 04:29:47PM @homer-ross:

Really enjoyed this. Awesome playing.

11/21/24 05:12:47PM @olddog75:

Great job, guys!

Robin Thompson
11/21/24 09:29:52AM @robin-thompson:

This is wonderful, friends!  

Jim Phillips
11/21/24 07:50:55AM @jim-at-gcreek:

Great playing guys! One of my favorite old time songs.  Nice acoustics in that building.

Jim Phillips