For John Henry: "Froggy Went a' Courtin'

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:00:59
Duration: 00:00:59
This is our first video, filmed quickly at the Little Greenbrier School House in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The noter is a John Henry Original (False Acacia), one of many well-turned noters that he sent to me. I also am fortunate to have several John Henry Original wooden plectrums (although I am not using one here). The MD is a Prichard reproduction crafted by Kevin Messenger. Our version of Froggy is more of the "Uncle Pecos" version from the Tom & Jerry cartoons, hence the "Crambone." Please pardon the lazy lefthand squeaking and the lack of technique--still learning...
Thank you, Janene! Thank you, Strumelia! School is nearly out for summer--I hope to post some more of that singer and those noters soon, John
How on earth did I miss this???
I love it!! One of my favorite songs to listen to...and what a terrific 'first video'.
Rick, I have a few John Henry noters as well...I use and cherish them!
Totally agree with you Janene, thanks for giving it a 'boost'
smiles....very sweet singing and playing.
Glad that video can still bring you some pleasure, JH (although better playing by yours truly would bring yours truly more pleasure
). I would like to post some more, but the new school year has just begun and that distasteful thing called "work" (of which I have never been a fan) keeps getting in my way. I wish work involved playing and working with dulcimers (and believe me, I have sure thought about that a lot!) Someday, someday...
I keep watching this just to see that moment around 0.38 when Fiona realises that the dulcimer player is running out of steam !!!
as Oliver T said "Please sir, can I/we have some more"
My pleasure entirely Fiona !
Fiona says, "Thank you!" John Henry
I was indeed Rick! We knew the name of the player, and that of the makers of instrument and noter, now we can acknowledge the singer ! Thank you for sharing Fiona
, have a happy birthday
JH--are you referring to the name of the singer? She is soon-to-be-seven-year-old (we've been hearing about her birthday for weeks, now) Fiona, our one and only.
Well Rick, we know your name......................?
Thanks, Karen
So sweet. You did a great job!
Glad you liked it, Helen
Thanks, Randy, Dana, and John. Glad you liked it, Kevin. I really enjoy playing that Prichard. It is much louder, of course, with some sort of plectrum, but I am working on that.
Your welcome, John Henry. We are glad that you liked it. I sure would love to move back to this area to work--perhaps not in a one-room, log school house teaching several grades at once, but definitely in this area. Of the many times that we had visited the park, we had never been to that building before. It is really interesting--a short hike from here is the Walker cabin--where 5 spinster sisters lived even after the Park Service kicked everyone else out (in the 1930s) who had a homestead. The last one died in 1964--happy, even without indoor plumbing and such.
As for bears--only seen the back end of one in a dumpster. The mosquitoes are the real terrors!
Oh, and keep an eye on the post--I've dropped a little something in it that you might find of interest...
You're sounding real good there Rick! ...& you gots urself a singer!
Rick, I love it. It's nice to see that you both are enjoying the Prichard. Keep them coming.
Hello you two !!! Thank you for this , much enjoyed here
, glad to see a noter 'in action'. Rick! I do so hope that seeing you in that school house does'nt herald another change of teaching position
!!! The track up to it looks hairy
, and could look worse in winter, never mind all those Black Bears which are likely to be found in the locality
??? (did a bit of 'homework' !)
best wishes
She is great! so was the dulcimer playing
Very cute!