Ambient Improv using Synth and Tongue Drum

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:05:22
Duration: 00:05:22
#improvisation #tonguedrum #refacedx
I was inspired to pick up my reface again when a renowned dulcimer player and builder complimented me on my videos and improvisations and mentioned the dx. I decided it had been too long since I used it. As soon as I put fresh batteries in the inspiration came. I really love the sound of my Hlruh Tongue drums and decided to use one in this improv.
I hope you like it and find it relaxing in these difficult times.
Thanks so much for watching and if you do enjoy my videos please subscribe to my channel and like and share my videos. That would help my music reach a wider audience and is much appreciated
Be safe
I was inspired to pick up my reface again when a renowned dulcimer player and builder complimented me on my videos and improvisations and mentioned the dx. I decided it had been too long since I used it. As soon as I put fresh batteries in the inspiration came. I really love the sound of my Hlruh Tongue drums and decided to use one in this improv.
I hope you like it and find it relaxing in these difficult times.
Thanks so much for watching and if you do enjoy my videos please subscribe to my channel and like and share my videos. That would help my music reach a wider audience and is much appreciated
Be safe
Interesting adding the tongue drum, nice.
Thanks so much~
glad you liked it
Interesting adding the tongue drum, nice.