Steve Eulberg


Location: Boise, ID
Country: US

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Spider Bit The Baby

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:02:06
Steve Eulberg and Rex Rideout play this traditional fiddle tune on mountain and hammered dulcimers at a concert at the St. Thomas Concert Series, March 2009,...
Steve Eulberg
02/25/15 09:48:17AM @steve-eulberg:

Hey JohnH, while I'm sorry to hear about your rough day yesterday, I'm glad this tune helped you reboot for an upbeat today!

John Henry
02/25/15 03:26:19AM @john-henry:

Had a bad day yesterday, so sought this out again to start today on an 'upbeat'

thanks Steve


Steve Eulberg
11/12/11 09:52:24AM @steve-eulberg:

Yep, Phil, we were in Boy Scouts you didn't know that, either! hee hee

Phil Myers
11/11/11 10:42:00AM @phil-myers:

Hey Steve, I didn't know you knew George Harrison!

Steve Eulberg
11/10/11 11:49:12PM @steve-eulberg:

Dusty, I knew it not!

Dusty Turtle
11/10/11 07:28:18PM @dusty:

Some great strumming and picking there. Did you know that this is the official song of FOTMD? I kid you not.

Dana R. McCall
11/10/11 07:10:23PM @dana-r-mccall:

Steve this is a wonderful tune thank you so much for sharing it.

John Keane
11/10/11 07:06:05PM @john-keane:

Love it!