Stewart McCormick


Location: Springfield, MO
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Noah Cline Diesel Elvensong notsothoreau Annette L. Ariane Don Grundy Jim Hedman hugssandi IRENE Danny Williams Mill Branch Dulcimores Bob Snyder Sheryl St. Clare Bob Reinsel Bob Estes George William Mann Ken Backer Steven Berger Robert Worth Terry Wilson Patty from Virginia robert schuler Matt Berg Paula Brawdy David Bennett Richard Streib Dan Goad Jack Ferguson Robin Clark Randy Adams Robin Thompson Strumelia


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@Jim Hedman, 04/05/18 09:31:38PM
Stewart, for some reason you appeared twice as a follower so I deleted one instance - but both instances disappeared. I guess it's some kind of software glitch. Anyway, I sent a following request to you by way of re-establishing the connection. Hope things are going well with your "project dulcimer".

Cordially yours,