

Location: Reichelsheim
Country: Germany

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youtube videos: 53
images: 20
events: 1
audio tracks: 13

Cercle Circassien

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:03
The "Cercle Circassien" (Circassian Circle) is a traditional dance from Scotland (Lanarkshire) of the late 19th century.

It is a "mixer" dance which means that you get a new partner for each set.

I would be happy if you enjoyed it...

(Best listened to it with headphones!)


I offer the service "Wish for a Tune" and "Dulci"-Pouches on my website - for more information please find following the link to it:




TK O'Brien's Travel Hammered Dulcimer
Sweet Woods Instruments Student Mountain Dulcimer


picture: pixabay

03/30/19 08:03:42AM @ariane:

Thank you so much, Dean! I am very happy that you like it : )bighug

03/26/19 02:19:21AM @elvensong:

What a feisty tune! I LOVE this Ariane! jive

03/19/19 05:21:36AM @ariane:

Thank you all, Dusty, Kevin, Steven, Phil and Bob, for your wonderful comments. grphug

03/17/19 03:08:26PM @bob:

Awesome! What a grand tune and splendid playing (again!).sun

Phil Myers
03/17/19 10:32:21AM @phil-myers:

Very nice!!

Steven Berger
03/16/19 08:39:49PM @steven-berger:

Wonderful playing, Ariane!

Kevin R.
03/16/19 04:29:14PM @kevin-r:

Another wonderful tune! And watching you play that hammered dulcimer was mesmerizing. Very nice indeed!

Dusty Turtle
03/16/19 02:00:12PM @dusty:

That's wonderful, Ariane!