Dana R. McCall


Location: Winchester, KY
Country: US

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Cluck ole hen 003

streams: 12
video file: 6.2MB, 00:01:25

Dana R. McCall
02/27/12 01:37:14PM @dana-r-mccall:

I have the same problem singing and playing at the same time. I have to really know the words to the song first. This one I didn't know the last 2 verses well so I messed up. I am just piddlen along tring to get the hang of singing and playing. I don't have a very good singing voice. But I like to act like I doGrin.gif .LOL

John Henry
02/27/12 03:13:55AM @john-henry:

Steph! an 'aside' on 'Cluck Old Hen'. A couple of weeks back I took dulcimers into a local primary school, and in one class played/sang the tune, and was surprised to find that once I had finished they all started reciting it, it appeared to be a standard to them (this the UK!) On returning home and mentioning it to my wife, she reminded me that it had also been a standard 'poem' when we were at school, (%$*&$ years ago) I've played the tune awhile now but never linked it to my childhood, DUH !

Your suggestion of making it a 'Call the Tune could be interesting, many of us have a version (independent of any words). I might do one myself later, to start the the ball rolling always subject to me remembering how to get it in the right place here!

I admire the work you eventally put into yours, even tho' I still am not sure of just how 'PC' acceptable it is to confuse innocent chickens with gender issues?


Dana R. McCall
02/26/12 08:10:06PM @dana-r-mccall:

Yep 20 takes and I still flubbed it up LOLGrin.gif

Karen Keane
02/26/12 06:35:36PM @karen-keane:

Good job, playing and singing. I love this tune. We worked on it this weekend at our workshop in Irving, Texas. Glad to know it takes someone else 20+ takes. LOLGrin.gif

John Keane
02/26/12 05:46:19PM @john-keane:

Dana...I'm gonna try it without the capo at first. I've got something I want to try. I'll keep you posted.

Dana R. McCall
02/26/12 04:11:12PM @dana-r-mccall:

Dad capo on 1st fret John and it's not hard. Hope to see the vid.Tongue.gif

John Keane
02/26/12 03:23:33PM @john-keane:

I am SO gonna learn this song...call it peer pressure lol. Love it! Grin.gif

Robin Thompson
02/26/12 08:29:26AM @robin-thompson:
Made me smile. Thanks, Dana!
Dana R. McCall
02/25/12 12:52:24PM @dana-r-mccall:

sounds like fun

Jan Potts
02/25/12 12:00:22PM @jan-potts:

I like the way you played this! Your dulcimer sounds great AND you sing in my range! We're gonna have to get together!

Dana R. McCall
02/24/12 10:37:45AM @dana-r-mccall:

I string bend on the middle string 3rd fret for the part of the song cluck and sing.

Dana R. McCall
02/24/12 10:35:18AM @dana-r-mccall:

Rob it's my modern mountain strung baritone. tuned aea capoed on 1st fret

John Henry
02/24/12 07:24:29AM @john-henry:

All them eggs and no bacon ???? That tune is ever so easy with a noter LOL !

Enjoyed it


Rob N Lackey
02/24/12 06:07:15AM @rob-n-lackey:

Nice job, Dana. Which dulcimer are you playing.

02/24/12 05:06:04AM @sam:

Loved it Dana ... but where's th' puppy? It's always good to see him come over an give you that little kiss. I think Cluck Old Hen is another song I need to add to my 'Learn to Play' video.

Brian G.
02/23/12 10:50:31PM @brian-g:

Nice Dana. :)

Dana R. McCall
02/23/12 09:37:42PM @dana-r-mccall:

Thanks Mandy and Barbara

02/23/12 09:31:09PM @mandy:

That's the first tune i ever learned on banjo! great job - i just make up words when i forget them, which is VERY often. LOLGrin.gif

Dana R. McCall
02/23/12 08:44:21PM @dana-r-mccall:

Hey what happened to you today. I was all ready to play on voodoo?