

Location: St.Catharines
Country: Canada

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youtube videos: 4
audio tracks: 19

Champagne Waltz.

Champagne Waltz.

style or instrument: scheitholt,vocal

musician/member name: Jamie Snider.

streams: 80


I learned this waltz from Johnny Formanger,Stephenville Newfoundland.50 years ago his fiddle was hanging up behind the bar at White's Hotel...all kinds of fiddlers would have a few beers and then saw off a few tunes on that fiddle.Wondrous times.The 2nd. part of the tune is a ringer for the chorus of a song a Franco-Ontarioan friend used to sing,"Les chevaliers de la table ronde"...knights of the round table...The chorus is basically that all men are pigs'yes,yes,no no",still makes me laugh.My fiddle mentor Emile Benoit from the same area used to clog and do some weird Metis/French counterpart voice lilting all the while tapping the rhythm with his feet.Very fierce,...I restrained myself on this I think-don't want to scare people!
12/02/24 09:50:28AM @davisjames:

Dusty Turtle:

Very pleasant and enjoyable, DJ.  You capture a nice rolling rhythm there.

I learned a drinking song in the south of France called "Chevaliers de la table ronde."  I only remember (or misremember) two verses:

Chevaliers de la table ronde,
Allons voir si le vin est bon.
S’il est bon, oui oui oui,
S’il est bon, non non non,
Allons voir si le vin est bon.

S'il est bon, s'il est agréable,
J'en boirai cinq ou six bouteilles.
J'en boirai, oui oui oui,
J'en boirai, non non non,
J'en boirai cinq ou six bouteilles.

....Hi Dusty.I only remembered the last verse,"La morale de cettte histoire,c'est que les hommes sont les grands cochons,c'est que les hommes,oui,oui,oui,c'est que les hommes,non,non,non,c'est que les hommes sont les grands cochons".repeat without the first line(the moral of the story).My French friend was a woman and she took great delight in singing the last verse!

Dusty Turtle
12/02/24 01:38:11AM @dusty:

Very pleasant and enjoyable, DJ.  You capture a nice rolling rhythm there.

I learned a drinking song in the south of France called "Chevaliers de la table ronde."  I only remember (or misremember) two verses:

Chevaliers de la table ronde,
Allons voir si le vin est bon.
S’il est bon, oui oui oui,
S’il est bon, non non non,
Allons voir si le vin est bon.

S'il est bon, s'il est agréable,
J'en boirai cinq ou six bouteilles.
J'en boirai, oui oui oui,
J'en boirai, non non non,
J'en boirai cinq ou six bouteilles.

Beth T
11/30/24 05:25:57PM @beth-t:

Lovely. ;-) But I wouldn't have minded being scared a bit!  duck

11/28/24 07:13:55PM @davisjames:

Robin Thompson:

Your version is relaxed, pleasant listening, Jamie.  Your restrained version isn't scary at all!  haha  Nice bends, too.  

Thanks Robin.It's one of my favourite dance tunes for a long time and it just so happened that I could bend the A string to get the C natural.If you google Jamie Snider fiddle you may find what it sounds like on the fiddle in "G"...some online concert I did during Covid...I think they called it "tune from southwest Newfoundland"

Robin Thompson
11/28/24 06:54:56PM @robin-thompson:

Your version is relaxed, pleasant listening, Jamie.  Your restrained version isn't scary at all!  haha  Nice bends, too.