Dusty Turtle


Location: Northern California
Country: USA

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Hard Times on baritone dulcimer

Hard Times on baritone dulcimer

style or instrument: Dusty's Greatest Hits volume II

musician/member name: Dusty Turtle

streams: 45

Dusty Turtle
08/05/15 01:03:34PM @dusty:

Thanks, Robin.  This is a moving tune that lends itself to different interpretations.

Robin Thompson
08/05/15 08:13:17AM @robin-thompson:

Dusty, I listened to your play on Soundcloud and have loved it ever since! 

Dusty Turtle
06/23/15 01:40:38PM @dusty:

Thanks, Jan.

Jan Craig
06/23/15 12:03:26PM @jan-craig:

Gotta love a baritone well played....Nice Dusty!