Dusty Turtle


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The Lark in the Clear Air on a baritone

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:50
I play a traditional Irish air on a Probst dulcimer made of cherry and spruce and strung like a baritone (Ab-Eb-Ab). The name of the tune comes from beautiful lyrics by Samuel Ferguson (1810-1886).
Dusty Turtle
10/30/22 04:08:13PM @dusty:

Thanks for taking the time to comment, @susie and @homer-ross.  I appreciate your encouragement.

Homer Ross
10/30/22 03:50:10PM @homer-ross:

Love this!

10/27/22 05:07:42AM @susie:


Dusty Turtle
10/26/22 11:00:36PM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, @jan-potts.  It's a really pretty tune that doesn't require much adornment.

Jan Potts
10/25/22 09:48:26AM @jan-potts:

I like this!

Dusty Turtle
09/13/22 04:52:51PM @dusty:

Thanks so much, @Leny-Sue.  I like using the baritone for slower tunes like this.

09/13/22 01:40:33PM @leny-sue:

A lovely tune, Dusty, and very well played with much expression. The bass range is perfect for it. Thanks for sharing.

Dusty Turtle
09/12/22 12:20:35AM @dusty:

Hey @Natebuildstoys. This dulcimer was made by Rick Probst, who lives in the LA area.  It's a unique design, for sure, which uses a lot of the bracing typical of guitars.  I think his newer models have an even deeper box.  He didn't plan it as a baritone, but he assured me the bracing could handle the heavier strings, and honestly it's sounds nicer than the other baritones I've owned so I tend to keep it in this tuning.

Thanks for your comments, @Cindy-Stammich.  It's a beautiful song and I just try not to muddy it up at all.

Cindy Stammich
09/11/22 08:15:33PM @cindy-stammich:

This is beautiful Dusty!  The dulcimer sounds wonderful - and the guy playing it did a fantastic job! 

09/11/22 03:03:05PM @nate:

Gorgeous song as always!  Who is the maker of that dulcimer?

Dusty Turtle
09/11/22 11:38:42AM @dusty:

Thanks, Val. 

This is a "just stay out of the way" tune.  The melody is so pretty, you just have to stay out of the way and not mess it up by trying to do too much.

09/11/22 05:37:33AM @macaodha:

Beautiful Dusty,very very nice.