Randy Wilkinson tab book for Elizabethan Music

2 months ago
2,315 posts

Dusty Turtle:

Folks, I've recently learned that Randy Wilkinson is living in Arizona and will send a pdf of his books for a nominal fee.  If anyone wants his email, please send me a personal message.


Dusty, that is AWESOME!  Thank you for delving into this.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
2 months ago
1,784 posts

Folks, I've recently learned that Randy Wilkinson is living in Arizona and will send a pdf of his books for a nominal fee.  If anyone wants his email, please send me a personal message.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Lisa C
Lisa C
4 years ago
12 posts

I'm another person interested in a copy of Randy Wilkinson's Elizabethan Music for Dulcimer.  Thankfully became aware of him while enjoying the sendinthemusic.com 5/15/21 jam video; see 19:54 mark where "Gentle Maiden" tab is shared and attributed to Randy.  

5 years ago
2 posts
I would very interested in Randy’s book of Elizabethan music if it is available. I have some very old tab, some by him and some by him and Cynthia Smith. They are ancient photocopies, that Cynthia gave my mom for lessons. They are handwritten and sort of typeset. I also have Randy’s Classical Guitar book.
The loose tab titles are:
Don Oiche Ud Im Bethel, with 2 harmony parts
Blow the Candles Out with harmony
Alman #3 with harmony
The Carman’s Whistle with harmony
How Should I, Your True Love Know
Bonnie Sweet Robin
Lesson for Two Lutes, looks to be copied from a book

The arrangements are lovely.
5 years ago
22 posts

Hello Everyone!  I am new here and to the dulcimer.  My husband and I have finally gotten new strings on my 'new to me dulcimer'--with out breaking them.  We broke two of the earlier set.  We also had to go ahead and purchase geared tuners, and put the friction pegs safely away until I get better. We have NOT altered the original peg holes in the peg head in any way.  We refuse to damage or alter a vintage instrument in any way.

For those that don't know, my Christmas gift was a vintage 1975 Lucky Diamond Dulcimer with beautiful friction pegs.  We tried, and tried, but Mr. Salt Spring's suggestions about peg dressing failed to help.  So we decided to put the beautiful original pegs away until I learn more.  Otherwise, I could not even begin.  Now, I have mastered three or four of the first lessons and can even do scales.  Now, I can practice, and do scales.  With my piano background, I can experiment and try other things not in the book!  Yea!!

Thank you everyone and have a very Happy New Year!!!

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
6 years ago
2,157 posts

Welcome DivergentLuthier!  I'm another one who would be very interested in a copy of Elizabethan music!


6 years ago
143 posts

Divergent Luthier, don't let your first post be your last..  You are doing some interesting work making Randy Wilkinson's work available again.  There are others on here who will appreciate your efforts. 

Divergent Luthier
Divergent Luthier
6 years ago
1 posts

Hello! I'm new here, this is my first post, as a matter of fact. I was looking for info on this book and came across this thread, so I joined up! I have been in contact with Randy a few months back. I had come across another of his books, Classical Guitar Music of Sor, Carcassi, and Carulli Adapted and Arranged for Mountain Dulcimer. A lady at our club had one and a number of us made copies. Like Dusty Turtle, I was a little uneasy about copying, so I searched for a copy of the book, to no avail. Then I began a search for Randy that lasted a month or more until I made a connection with him. I took the book and converted everything to digital format, duplicating the text and entering all the music into notation software. I made a copy of what I had done and sent it to him. He has given me permission to "publish" the book for minimal charge. I recently learned of the Elizabethan book and found someone who had a copy. I am hoping (over the winter months) to enter that music into the notation software and make that book available, as well. That will be a more formidable task, since the music is more complex and voluminous!

6 years ago
37 posts

Oh well crud!

I tried the link and got the infamous 404 Not Found error.

Got that both on direct click on the link and C&P'ing into a new page..

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
6 years ago
1,784 posts

Well Lois, aren't you the sleuth!  I can't believe you found that!  The irony is that I was the one who posted that pdf file, but it was never intended to be public. I posted it on a hidden page of my website and with no identifying information.

As you can see from the first response to my thread, Maddie Myers in Australia very generously offered to send me her copy of the book.  I am still grateful for that.  Shortly afterwards, someone else I've known for a few years asked if there was anyway I could share it.  So I scanned the book and posted it as a "secret" link on a semi-hidden page of my website.  My plan was to share the document with a single person, not to make it available to the public at large.

Since the book is out-of-print, making copies is legal.  But I am still uncomfortable with the ethics of posting a free copy online, so I've taken the link down. Apologies to those who were hoping to get a copy.  If there is enough interest, perhaps we should contact Randy directly or Kicking Mule publications or whoever owns the copyright.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie

updated by @dusty: 08/05/19 08:44:51PM
Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
6 years ago
197 posts

Hey everybody, especially @dusty-turtle who said he'd "been looking for this book for years", I thought I'd check to see if anybody was selling it, & found a pdf version online!!! https://www.rivercitydulcimers.com/Randy%20Wilkinson,%20Elizabethan%20Dulcimer.pdf. 

See it pays to prowl old discussions.

Linda Jo brockinton
Linda Jo brockinton
6 years ago
22 posts
I have that book. Talked to him a few years back. I was begging for a tape of some of the stuff in the book. He had one and sent it to me. I’ve was out east I think California. But wasn’t playing any more.
Peter Tommerup
Peter Tommerup
6 years ago
5 posts

Hi Strumelia,

I believe Cynthia Smith in Orange County area of Los Angeles may be a good contact source for Randy Wilkinson. His arrangements of Elizabethan tunes are still wonderful to play! And his playing was really exceptional. I caught some of his performances at the Summer Solstice Dulcimer Fest in LA in early to mid 1980's. Not aware of what he's now up to. 

Best, Peter

6 years ago
2,315 posts

Does anyone know if Randy W is still around?  Even if his book is now out of print, perhaps if he knew folks were looking for them, he'd be willing to zerox a handful of copies for people, for a reasonable price of course.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Anne Bowman
Anne Bowman
6 years ago
59 posts

Hey    @Maddie-Myers ! , Like Dusty, I've been after that book for ages too!. I did Renaissance and Baroque dance for 20 years, and love Early Music. I've been trawling around searching for it..I wish I'd thought to ask here ..and there's been a copy here in Oz all the timeworried ..

Lucky you Dusty ...

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
7 years ago
1,784 posts

Oh my! I could just kiss you, @Maddie-Myerskiss  I've been looking for that book for years and I don't know why it never occurred to me to post a note here.  I'll send you a personal message right away. You're the best!

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Maddie Myers
Maddie Myers
7 years ago
10 posts

Hi, Dusty - I just checked into the FOMD site for the first time in a long time and came across your request for the Randy Wilkinson Elizabethan Music for Dulcimer book. I have a book by Wilkinson entitled "Randy Wilkinson Elizabethan Dulcimer." published in 1982 by Kicking Mule.  It says it goes with the album KM226. I would be happy to give it to you.  However, I live in Australia and would have to post it from there, so I will need your postal address, and perhaps you real name, unless you regularly get mail addressed to Dusty Turtle and your mailman doesn't get hostile about it.

Cheers, Maddie Myers in Western Australia

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
7 years ago
1,784 posts

For several years I've been searching for the book of dulcimer tablature that accompanies Randy Wilkinson's album on Kicking Mule records called Elizabethan Music for Dulcimer.  The book came out in 1982, I believe.

Does anyone have a copy kicking around that they'd be willing to part with?

Muchas gracias!

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie

updated by @dusty: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM