Jack Ferguson


Location: Salem, VA
Country: US

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Cripple Creek

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Duration: 00:01:25
Cripple Creek on a new Walnut Hour-glass Dulcimer. Using standard strings.
Jack Ferguson
05/03/15 09:02:59PM @jack-ferguson:

Thanks Helen and Patty. Yeah, Milo, and our other Shih Tzo, Rudy, love to hang around when I'm playing. I'm glad. Means I must not be too bad. Of all the wood I've worked, this walnut is the best all around for looks, sound, and working.Smile.gif

Patty from Virginia
05/03/15 07:03:19PM @patty-from-virginia:

Jack, sounds and looks good!!!Smile.gif

Jack Ferguson
05/01/15 08:16:22AM @jack-ferguson:

Thanks for the comments. Milo has to get in his "air" time.Grin.gif

Ken Backer
05/01/15 08:09:50AM @ken-backer:

Nice laid-back version of this old tune. Well played, Jack. Oh, and cute pooch.Grin.gif

05/01/15 12:45:43AM @tumbleweed:

Hi Jack:

You do realize that Fluffy there stole the show! But it was great playing


Jack Ferguson
04/30/15 09:42:13PM @jack-ferguson:

Thanks John. When I miss a note, he leaves the room.Grin.gif

Thanks Greg. I am fortunate to have some beautiful wood to work, and the Baritone design has so much to offer in sound variations.Grin.gif

Greg Patterson
04/30/15 08:09:12PM @greg-patterson:

You built a nice sounding instrument there!

John Keane
04/30/15 05:28:39PM @john-keane:

Sounds great, and I love your co-star! Smile.gif

Jack Ferguson
04/30/15 04:56:52PM @jack-ferguson:

Thanks John. It's a fun song.

John W. McKinstry
04/30/15 03:22:33PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thanks for playing that good old folksong and bringing it to life.