Jack Ferguson


Location: Salem, VA
Country: US

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Bring A Torch, Jeanette, Isabella on Mountain Dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:41
Played by Jack Ferguson
Ken Backer
12/17/15 12:47:42PM @ken-backer:

Nice playing, Jack!  Is the torch electric or rag on a stick.nerd

Jack Ferguson
12/17/15 08:50:50AM @jack-ferguson:

Thanks for the comments. The dulcimer is one of my popular Dogwood/Walnut builds.

12/16/15 07:19:35PM @strumelia:

So very pretty, Jack!   Very festive sounding, and I love the tree in the background.  clap

Lexie R Oakley
12/16/15 11:15:20AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Very pretty Jack, nice dulcimer you have. Thanks for the song I haven't hear that song yet this season.

Robin Thompson
12/16/15 10:03:07AM @robin-thompson:

A pretty tune, Jack, and you played it wonderfully! 

Jack Ferguson
12/16/15 07:49:57AM @jack-ferguson:

Thanks Greg.

Greg Patterson
12/16/15 12:14:03AM @greg-patterson:

Very nice, Jack! Well played, and nice-sounding dulcimer!