Jack Ferguson


Location: Salem, VA
Country: US

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Farther Along - Electric Dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:42
Appalachian Flutes and Dulcimers Demo
Lucky Dave
01/28/17 12:49:29PM @dulcimer-dave:

Very very nice!

01/25/17 06:54:51AM @sam:

One of my favorite hymns Jack. Nicely played AND ... that dulcimer is BEAUTIFUL!

Steven Berger
01/24/17 12:41:59PM @steven-berger:

Sounds nice played both ways!



Jack Ferguson
01/24/17 10:34:38AM @jack-ferguson:

Thanks for the comments.

Patty from Virginia
01/24/17 09:55:48AM @patty-from-virginia:

Jack, that was just great!!!

Ben Barr Jr
01/23/17 08:58:49PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Nice both ways.

Gordon Hardy
01/23/17 08:36:38PM @gordon-hardy:

You have a beautiful sound going on there Jack. Thanks for sharing.

Caleb Dan Bennett
01/23/17 08:32:59PM @caleb-dan-bennett:

Beautiful playing. You make it looks so effortless. lol Beautiful dulcimer too. Sounds great.

Jack Ferguson
01/23/17 08:30:01PM @jack-ferguson:

I also want to thank Benjamin Esh for his arrangement, and youtube tutorial.

Jack Ferguson
01/23/17 08:25:28PM @jack-ferguson:

The beautiful walnut dulcimer I used in this demo is an example of my electric dulcimers. There are many different style electric dulcimers, some solid-body, some acoustic, some with active pickups, and some with passive pickups. All are exciting to play, and offer a wide range of sound options.

I use the same style and design on all my electric dulcimers. They are acoustic, with active pickups. Acoustic because I want my electrics to look and play like standard dulcimers. Active pickups because I want a clear sound, free of interference. Active also provides on-board controls allowing the player to change the settings without adjusting the external amplifier.

The most often asked question is, "can I play the dulcimer without electric, and how will it sound". The answer is Yes. And adding electric has no effect on the "stand-alone" sound of the instrument.