John W. McKinstry


Location: Lee, MA
Country: US

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Be Thou a Light John McKinstry on baritone dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:09
“Be Thou a Light” is a hymn by Anne McKinstry. It is based on a devotion by The Rev. John Cosin who was an English Anglican Bishop (1594-1672). The tune is African American.
Jim Dickens
01/06/24 08:23:23AM @jim-dickens:

Thank you for this inspiring hymn. Beautiful in every way 

01/05/24 08:07:01PM @strumelia:

What truly beautiful and uplifting sentiments are expressed in this piece John, and Anne. Such wonderful pure love. Thank you for sharing this little story with us john. It lifted my spirits up this evening.  love

John W. McKinstry
01/05/24 03:16:59PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thank you Gordon and Cindy for your kind comments.  Several years ago when my wife was in the hospital, I would call her, the last thing in the evening, and we would sing this prayer hymn to each other. I am glad that you could sense how it has meaning to me.

Gordon Hardy
01/05/24 02:31:12PM @gordon-hardy:

A lovely sweet hymn John and Anne! Well written, well played and well sung. Thank you for this.

Cindy Stammich
01/04/24 11:33:43PM @cindy-stammich:

Please tell Anne thank you for this beautiful hymn!  You two make a wonderful team - complimented by your video taping daughter🎶👏

Cindy Stammich
01/04/24 11:30:34PM @cindy-stammich:

John, this was so beautiful!  Sang from the heart and the baritone was perfect for this song!  Thank you for sharing it today as it helped me through a tough day ❤️