John W. McKinstry


Location: Lee, MA
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

RobMachin Bvmaestro Homer Ross Ann Andrews Charles Thomas Cat Brown Lexie R Oakley jeffrey charles foster Greg Patterson Cindy Stammich Gordon Hardy Patty from Virginia Ben Barr Jr Richard Streib Dusty Turtle Ken Longfield Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 75
images: 22
videos: 1


musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:42
Southern Folk Song
Cindy Stammich
07/14/24 11:02:48PM @cindy-stammich:

John,  Thank you for the story behind you recording this!  Sorry about your sunflowers, but in this case you took the lemons and made lemonade (so to speak).  I am with Dusty - I can’t get over that image 🤣

07/13/24 08:40:10PM @nate:

Dusty Turtle:

Nice job, John.  I remember hearing this song as a kid. I could never get over the image of Sally with "groundhog gravy [or grease] all over her chin."

Anyone out there ever eaten groundhog?

I have eaten one and it tasted just like a big squirrel.
Groundhog tastes like squirrel, and squirrel gravy is very good, so I bet groundhog gravy would be pretty tasty. Serve it with black pepper over some hoe cakes droool

Gordon Hardy
07/13/24 05:24:30PM @gordon-hardy:

Good one John! It’s a pleasure to hear you play and sing. I appreciated your introduction.

John W. McKinstry
07/13/24 12:57:04PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Hi Dusty, I have not had ground hog, but I do remember as a kid going to a racoon supper. Luckily you could have turkey, if your preferred. I preferred the turkey.

Dusty Turtle
07/13/24 12:10:26PM @dusty:

Nice job, John.  I remember hearing this song as a kid. I could never get over the image of Sally with "groundhog gravy [or grease] all over her chin."

Anyone out there ever eaten groundhog?

07/12/24 08:53:45PM @strumelia:

Wow I just love this version John!  One of my favorite oldtime songs.  hamster