John W. McKinstry


Location: Lee, MA
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

RobMachin Bvmaestro Homer Ross Ann Andrews Charles Thomas Cat Brown Lexie R Oakley jeffrey charles foster Greg Patterson Cindy Stammich Gordon Hardy Patty from Virginia Ben Barr Jr Richard Streib Dusty Turtle Ken Longfield Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 75
images: 22
videos: 1


musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:04:42
Caroline Norton
(Parlor Song) 1853
Dulcimer D A A
Gordon Hardy
11/06/24 05:47:56PM @gordon-hardy:

A lovely song John. Sweetly played and sung. Thanks for sharing your visual art work as well.

Cindy Stammich
11/03/24 09:33:26PM @cindy-stammich:

John, another lovely song that I was not familiar with.  Thank you for sharing!  The painting is I beautiful touch, and I always enjoy the introductions you give on each song!

Anne Bowman
11/03/24 08:08:57AM @anne-bowman:

So pretty. Thanks for the bit about her history, too...

11/01/24 03:24:53PM @davisjames:

Right up there with "Spanish is a loving tongue"...almost! laugh.Enjoyed it very much.