John, This is one of my all time favorite Christmas songs. The baritone and your voice make a wonderful pair! The addition of the painting and manger scene complete it! Beautiful!
When you are playing this Christmas carol so prettily, I think the sound holes look like holly and berries! I love that you are not rushing it, using that bass string like a low drum between verses.
Thanks for your comment, James. Sometimes it is good to hear from angels on earth and not just on high!
This reminds me of being in a choir as a youngster,singing this.It was glorious indeed both in sound and message
Well done John! I really like how you are using your bass string. Thank you.
John, This is one of my all time favorite Christmas songs. The baritone and your voice make a wonderful pair! The addition of the painting and manger scene complete it! Beautiful!
When you are playing this Christmas carol so prettily, I think the sound holes look like holly and berries!
I love that you are not rushing it, using that bass string like a low drum between verses.