Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring:

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:43
Duration: 00:01:43
Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach and one of his most popular pieces.
Played on an hourglass dulcimer by Jerry C Rockwell of Ohio. Key of G.
Four equidistant strings: treble/melody string D (0.011),
middle string G (0.017), standard bass string D (wound 0.028),
added lower bass string, low G (wound 0.036).
I've just recently gone from playing 4 equidistant strings with two high strings, both tuned D (0.011) [plus middle G (0.017), and bass D (0.028)], to the tuning shown above, mainly to add more bass.
This string setting is not a commonly used one. In fact, I don't know of anyone using it, but it occurred to me one day as a bass-rich possibility.
It creates a note range that's a hybrid between treble and baritone dulcimers, and sounds really great on this fine Jerry Rockwell instrument. It gives two full octaves of the G scale playing across the strings in first position, with a third, higher octave scale from the 3rd through 10th frets on the melody string. (One-and-a-half fret present but not played on this piece - blue notes!)
Taught in the online 26th Annual Harvest Festival of Dulcimers, Southern California/world-wide via Zoom, on Saturday 9/26/20.
Played on an hourglass dulcimer by Jerry C Rockwell of Ohio. Key of G.
Four equidistant strings: treble/melody string D (0.011),
middle string G (0.017), standard bass string D (wound 0.028),
added lower bass string, low G (wound 0.036).
I've just recently gone from playing 4 equidistant strings with two high strings, both tuned D (0.011) [plus middle G (0.017), and bass D (0.028)], to the tuning shown above, mainly to add more bass.
This string setting is not a commonly used one. In fact, I don't know of anyone using it, but it occurred to me one day as a bass-rich possibility.
It creates a note range that's a hybrid between treble and baritone dulcimers, and sounds really great on this fine Jerry Rockwell instrument. It gives two full octaves of the G scale playing across the strings in first position, with a third, higher octave scale from the 3rd through 10th frets on the melody string. (One-and-a-half fret present but not played on this piece - blue notes!)
Taught in the online 26th Annual Harvest Festival of Dulcimers, Southern California/world-wide via Zoom, on Saturday 9/26/20.
Hi Leo,
Unlike on FB, on FOTMD the "latest Activity" feed simply reflects what's been posted all over the site- for example new Comments on videos, photos, or new Posts in group and forum discussions. As you've discovered, you can't just post content in the activity feed itself. FOTMD has various areas of activity and different content, and the Latest Activity is a snapshot of what's going on everywhere on the site, so people can click to a certain item of interest and participate in it.
If you want to start a new discussion in the forums, click on the Forums link at top of site and choose the forum that seems appropriate to your subject. Once you click to that forum area, you click the Plus+ button to add a NEW discussion. Or, you can make a new post in any existing thread if you want to contribute to that discussion.
If you need help in figuring out how to do something on this site, you can look in our "How Do I...?" forum area. (again, look for it in Forums) Often the answers are there already because someone previously asked your same question.
Keep in mind that we are not actually a photo-storing site, and FOTMD has a limit of 200 images per member. So far you have added 55 photos to your fotmd profile, so eventually it'll be a good idea to upload albums to a photo sharing site online. In the past people have used Flicker, Photobucket, Picasa, Google Photo, Instagram, etc. Then they just give a link here for folks to go look at their albums online. HERE'S a good article describing some of the better photo sharing sites, some of them free. Your idea of making youtube slideshows with your music and photos sounds like a wonderful project!
Hope this helps!
Okay, looks like if I post a comment somewhere like here it will end up under Latest Activity... (Is there a more direct way?)
Mainly wanted to apologize for having stopped posting old pictures of dulcimers a few months back. I was increasingly consumed with verifying almost daily what country I was living in - it seemed like Honduras, the Philippines, or Belarus, but everyone was still speaking English, more or less... I found scary and unbelievable, but managed to get through without too much nervous exhaustion and agitated depression. Now I don't even look at the news and I feel much better. The big events someone will have to tell me about!!
As to the old dulcimer pix I've posted, of course those up will remain available. But I hope to turn all into slide shows that will run with selected album cuts of mine on You Tube.
I will let folks here know when I've figured that out and have begun to post. There are lots more dulcimer and dulcimer-people pictures to be seen! Stay tuned.
And Happy Valentine's Day to All!
Leo K
Thanks all for your interest, including most recently Larry Walton.
If I can figure out how to leave a comment under 'Latest Activity' I'll explain why I've been missing in action for a couple of months and other news.
When I go to Latest Activity, even logged in, I click on 'update' but am unable to type anything in. Or maybe this will become 'latest activity'...??? My cyber-duncery strikes again, but let's see what happens...
Simply wonderful!
Thank you, Robin.
Leo, this is outstanding!
I'm excited about my new 'hybrid' dulcimer tunings, with low G's (as here) and A's, as described in more detail in 'Description.' Two full octaves in first position!