Mark Gilston


Location: Cedar Park, TX
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

MD_Swede Keltia RobMachin Bvmaestro Wayne G StudentofRhythm AndiBear MandaPanda rayhomewood oldmdpicker DulcimerBill Diane R Ubulele hstulips haydee025 Elvensong Sue MacKenzie - ADK Friends Selah Joyoussinger Mark C Kathyb53 Mary MacGowan Kevin R. DianeL Redmando Repp Leo Kretzner Charles Thomas Tricia Monica Cat Brown Volha Bob Reinsel Lexie R Oakley Melanie Cook Gregg Schneeman Gary Major Ginney Camden jeffrey charles foster Greg Patterson Bob Tumbleweed Mr. Phil Mcdaniel Elliot Actor Steven Berger Jimmy Sample Steve Battarbee Stanley Adams PDGotro Pine


youtube videos: 82

2016 National Mountain Dulcimer Champion.  I'm a professional musician and music teacher and I offer mountain dulcimer lessons via Skype: 

Born and raised in New York City. Both of my parents were steeped in the folk music revival scene of the 1950’s. I grew up listening to 78’s and LP’s of American, Russian, Spanish, Caribbean and Israeli folk music. Learning guitar and taking piano lessons starting at age 5, I was constantly immersed in music.

In my youth, I gained a love of traditional American ballads and Old-Time songs and instrumentals from recordings and from my father, who often sang the old ballads which he had learned in his youth in Appalachia. From my early years in college, I often played these tunes and accompanied myself on the mountain dulcimer.

I post new dulcimer videos every week.  If you enjoy a video and want to be able to go back and listen again, give it a "like".  "Likes" are very appreciated, and when deciding which videos to keep on the site and which to replace, videos with 3 or more "likes" get preferential treatment.

Latest Activity

Mark Gilston
@mark-gilston • 2 days ago • comments: 0
Posted new YouTube video(s):
I walk in beauty
Mark Gilston
@mark-gilston • one week ago • comments: 0
Posted new YouTube video(s):
Seeds of Love
Mark Gilston
@mark-gilston • 2 weeks ago • comments: 1
Posted new YouTube video(s):
Waltz from Orsa (duet)
Mark Gilston
@mark-gilston • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
Updated a YouTube Video:
By the Waters of Babylon (round)
Mark Gilston
@mark-gilston • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
Posted new YouTube video(s):
By the Waters of Babylon (round)
Mark Gilston
@mark-gilston • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Updated a YouTube Video:
Le Petit Mari
Mark Gilston
@mark-gilston • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted new YouTube video(s):
Le Petit Mari
Mark Gilston
@mark-gilston • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "to get chromatic or not":
"It's important to remember that any dulcimer sounds very different from a guitar, so the comparison of a chromatic dulcimer with a 3 string guitar is..."

Latest Group Discussions

Mark Gilston

Playford - English country dance tunes

I thought it would be nice to collect English country dance tunes in...
@Mark Gilston 10 years ago - Comments: 2

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Latest Videos

I walk in beauty

I walk in beauty

@Mark Gilston
2 days ago - Comments: 0
Seeds of Love

Seeds of Love

@Mark Gilston
one week ago - Comments: 0
Waltz from Orsa (duet)

Waltz from Orsa (duet)

@Mark Gilston
2 weeks ago - Comments: 1
Le Petit Mari

Le Petit Mari

@Mark Gilston
2 months ago - Comments: 0
Falcons (Sokoly)

Falcons (Sokoly)

@Mark Gilston
3 months ago - Comments: 0
The Snow Lay On the Ground

The Snow Lay On the Ground

@Mark Gilston
3 months ago - Comments: 1
O Sanctissima

O Sanctissima

@Mark Gilston
3 months ago - Comments: 1
I Kto Ego Znaet (Who Knows Him?)

I Kto Ego Znaet (Who Knows Him?)

@Mark Gilston
5 months ago - Comments: 2
La Java de Cezigue

La Java de Cezigue

@Mark Gilston
5 months ago - Comments: 0
As Sylvie Was Walking

As Sylvie Was Walking

@Mark Gilston
6 months ago - Comments: 1


@Mark Gilston
7 months ago - Comments: 6


11/05/17 07:46:35PM @selah:

Wonderful! Thank you, Mark... I'll be in touch! 

11/05/17 07:32:37PM @selah:

That would be great, Mark! Just may have to talk to you about some lessons... I'm as green as green can be! I would love to know about local events to attend also, could you direct me where I should look to be informed?

Mark Gilston
09/09/16 04:37:13PM @mark-gilston:


Hey Mark, have you ever played "Emperor of the Moon"?  If so, I'd love for you to post a video of you playing it either on concertina or dulcimer or any instrument you play.  I've recently been taken by the tune. flower

It's not a tune I was familiar with, but I like it.  The penultimate sharped 7th pushes it into chromatic dulcimer territory if I were to try to play it on dulcimer.  But I suspect it would be a lot easier to learn on concertina.  I'm traveling for the next several weeks, but I'll put it on my list of tunes to learn.

09/09/16 01:07:40PM @strumelia:

Hey Mark, have you ever played "Emperor of the Moon"?  If so, I'd love for you to post a video of you playing it either on concertina or dulcimer or any instrument you play.  I've recently been taken by the tune. flower

05/10/15 04:16:09PM @bobby-maxspop-bingham:

Honored to have such a great player as my friend. Have a nice day.

Cynthia Wigington
12/12/14 06:05:46PM @cynthia-wigington:

I'm honored Mark. Always enjoy your videos. This was a particularly sweet arrangement of one I play in the most boring fashion, so it was a joy to listen to it.

Gordon Hardy
09/29/14 09:49:23PM @gordon-hardy:

Hello Mark, I received the "Grandad's Favorite" CD some time agoand am enjoying your musical stylings very much. Thank you for this. Best regards, Gordon

Jon Timlin
05/14/14 09:41:20PM @jon-timlin:

Thanks again, Mark. I am honored to be considered a "friend" on Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer.

I'd love to meet you in person some day. Where are you performing this summer?

Ken Hulme
01/16/14 04:52:52PM @ken-hulme:

Ayup, I'll need a good email address anyway. Digital file I should be able to ship electronically. I'm away from the boat until next week, but once I'm back there I have a buddy who has all the good digital recording equipment.

I'll pick out five songs and record them back-to-back with an hourglass and a teardrop.

Karel Votanek
12/07/13 01:05:31AM @karel-votanek:

Hello Mark,es freut mich sehr,dass Du mich unter Deine Freunde eingeladen hast.Es ist fr mich groe Ehre.Schada ist,dass ich nicht englisch kann,nur tschechisch(ich bin aus Prag),deutsch(ich wohne in Deutschland),und russisch.Ich bin kein Profimusiker,wie Du,ich spiele aber hnliche Instrumente(Konzert-und E-Gitarre,Ziehharmonika,5-Seitiges Banjo und mehrere Kleininstrumente.Dudelsack aus Schotland liegt nur auf dem Schrank,Sitar aus Indien wartet im Eck,bis ich Zeit habe das Sitarspiel zu verstehen und lernen.)Also,nochmals vielen Dank!

Karel Votanek

E-mail Adresse: votanek@kabelmail.deSmile.gif Smile.gif 103.gif

11/09/13 12:32:52PM @susie:

Hey Mark, do you still have your Doug Berch dulcimer? I'm going to be ordering a custom dulcimer from him. He and his wife are long-time friends of mine from Elderly Instruments in Lansing, MI. His dulcimers are beautiful (as is his playing).

Jim Damico
10/11/13 01:17:17PM @jim-bagsh:

Thanks for the friend request Mark. I've been watching your videos all morning. Amazing. Maybe some day I'll have 1% of your talent. Looking forward to seeing more of your playing in the future. :)

Carlos Eduardo Fermoseli Simas
05/17/13 12:50:26AM @carlos-eduardo-fermoseli-simas:

Hello Mark ! Very nice your arrangements, repertory and vdeos. Very good !113.gif

Alaska Pfeiff
04/02/13 03:39:22PM @alaska-pfeiff:

HI Mark,

Thanks for watching the video. Your playing is really quite accomplished--I see from your website that have been able to make a profession of it! How nice.

I AM interested in the possibility of lessons, but for the moment I am going to explore some online resources. I am heading into the Alaskan summer, during which time I am so busy that I won't be able to focus much on my new instrument. However, come next fall, I may be more interested!

11/19/12 02:39:43PM @susie:

Mark, I'm not sure if you read what I put on the "Little Dulcimers" page, so, I'll thank you here, just in case. I had asked you some questions about getting a travel dulcimer, specifically about Ron Ewing's. You gave me alot of great advice and things to think about. In the end, I evaluated my personal "wants" in a travel dulcimer, and decided to go with Mike Clemmer's TN Sweetie, Church model. I wanted to stay in the key of D and didn't want to go overly small (octave dulcimer). I liked the reviews that Mike's Sweetie (Church) got with the deeper body. After talking to Connie on the phone, I decided to go ahead and order one. So, it will have a sassafras top and a walnut body. I think it will be everything I'm looking for and I am really excited to get it. I know Ron's dulcimers are top notch and I appreciate all your advice. I think you'll agree that there are several great choices out there. Thanks for your help and posting great video's to watch.

Sylvia Moore
07/06/12 02:39:34PM @sylvia-moore:

Hi Mark, I was told you live nearby. I enjoy your videos though I must admit, I have never heard most of those songs. Thanks for the invite.

Carrie H
05/09/12 10:18:43PM @carrie-h:


I am honored to be your friend. I got the Fast Fret today. It made a big difference. Maybe it was the combination-better technique, already had Finger Ease on the strings which helped but not as much as I had hoped and then today put the Fast Fret on. I am very pleased with the results but not near as fast as one would think I should be with all this going on. I do like my new baritone. I hope it is a good addition to our dulcimer group.


John Henry
02/04/12 04:13:04PM @john-henry:

Thanks for info Mark, will act on it


Linda I. Vickers
07/26/11 05:00:01PM @linda-i-vickers:
Thanks for the invitation Mark. It's encouraging to see these wonderful tunes being played so well. Keeps us inspired to play on. Linda
John Keane
04/23/11 10:45:27AM @john-keane:
Thanks for your invitation. You are quite skilled and an inspiration to those of us trying to figure this dulcimer thing out.