Geekling, your Gortie looks so much like my Dusty, who was a shelter kitty, MC mix. Actually that look is the "Old fashioned" MC look, which I actually like better than what breeders are selecting for now. Ear tufts are typical (and desirable, to breeders), and of course very cool - but not all MC have them. What fun thsi has been, sharing cat photos! Off topic from dulcimers, but hopefully no one minds. And, they do somehow go well together, I think.
Geekling, your Gortie didn't have the typical Main Coon ear tufts, but her face certainly looked like MC. Very sweet picture with the backlighting. Our cat Suki has the same nickname- Pookie! Our other cat Sheba has the nickname Boo Boo. Cats are so wonderful.
Here's our long-ago Maine Coon cat Jennie (also no longer with us), who actually took a nap on top of Brian's son's head one day, a la Daniel Boone....
Another beautiful kitty. While we're posting lost-but-not-forgotten pets, here's my first kitty, a Maine coon mix, with sassy-sweet personality, my dear Dusty. She loved to be vacuumed (also loved dulcimer music).
Geekling, your Gortie looks so much like my Dusty, who was a shelter kitty, MC mix. Actually that look is the "Old fashioned" MC look, which I actually like better than what breeders are selecting for now. Ear tufts are typical (and desirable, to breeders), and of course very cool - but not all MC have them. What fun thsi has been, sharing cat photos! Off topic from dulcimers, but hopefully no one minds. And, they do somehow go well together, I think.
Geekling, your Gortie didn't have the typical Main Coon ear tufts, but her face certainly looked like MC. Very sweet picture with the backlighting. Our cat Suki has the same nickname- Pookie! Our other cat Sheba has the nickname Boo Boo. Cats are so wonderful.
Awwwwww! Still a baby? They grow up until they're 3 sometimes. What fun to find dulcimer players who also share love of MCC.
How totally precious! Maine coons are the best!
Here's our long-ago Maine Coon cat Jennie (also no longer with us), who actually took a nap on top of Brian's son's head one day, a la Daniel Boone....
Another beautiful kitty. While we're posting lost-but-not-forgotten pets, here's my first kitty, a Maine coon mix, with sassy-sweet personality, my dear Dusty. She loved to be vacuumed (also loved dulcimer music).
Oh, how very beautiful. So sorry for your loss. THese are such wonderful creatures, it breaks your heart to lose them.
Well naturally Pretty Polly loves noters!
(don't they just sort of go together?)
Here's my beautiful Maine Coon cat Pearl (passed away a little over year ago)...