Phil Myers


Location: Franklin, NC
Country: US

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youtube videos: 22
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audio tracks: 14

Reubens Train

Reubens Train

style or instrument:

musician/member name: Phil Myers

streams: 98


Played in Dm using 1.5 fret
06/16/19 08:20:59AM @ariane:

Wow - wonderful energetic!

06/14/19 12:36:30AM @irene:

Where we live on the Mississippi, in Nauvoo, Illinois, we hear those trains on the tracks across the river in Iowa.  Going fast and slow..... We've taken the Amtrak to Utah 13 round trip trains, love their lonesome whistles and you got this one just right, even up to the last notes....ALL ABOARD....thanks.  aloha, irene

Robin Thompson
06/10/19 08:24:39PM @robin-thompson:

Great play, Phil! 

PS- Happy birthday!  :)

Phil Myers
06/09/19 04:08:19PM @phil-myers:

Wow, thanks for all the kind words! I recorded this in 2014 for a CD that the Franklin Dulcimer club did.

Dusty Turtle
06/09/19 03:16:21PM @dusty:

My feet don't move fast enough to dance to this! Nice work!

Gail Webber
06/09/19 10:51:57AM @gail-webber:

Wow - Love this!

06/08/19 08:35:15PM @bob:


Steven Berger
06/08/19 06:38:40PM @steven-berger:

This is one of the best renditions of this tune I've heard, Phil!

Bill S
06/08/19 12:00:26PM @bill-s:

Phil, I really like your strumming.  Well done on the song.