Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Monday Creek

Monday Creek

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 53


Monday Creek begins flowing in the township in which we live. It runs into the Hocking River which flows into the mighty Ohio. Water is life.
Robin Thompson
03/15/21 10:23:58AM @robin-thompson:

Thank you!  The guitar player and I are glad you like this, @ballad-gal!  

Ballad Gal
03/14/21 08:08:36PM @ballad-gal:

Really liked this, Robin!

Robin Thompson
03/13/21 04:56:13PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, thanks so much, @kevin-r !  

Kevin R.
03/13/21 03:38:04PM @kevin-r:

Love it! Both of you. Always good stuff.

Robin Thompson
03/13/21 10:34:16AM @robin-thompson:

@gordon-hardy @dusty-turtle @leny-sue @dan @dulcinina Thanks a million, friends, we appreciate your listening!  Something a little different from us-- we enjoyed putting this tune together.  Though we haven't tried it, the tune could also be given an old-timey sound, too, (I think) with just a little messing with it.  

03/13/21 08:20:12AM @dulcinina:

Great tune and great playing.  Love it. Nina

03/12/21 06:26:30PM @dan:

Spot on guys!!!

03/12/21 03:14:04PM @leny-sue:

Cool, I love it. I can really visualize the creek water rolling and tumbling over rocks on its way to the river.

Dusty Turtle
03/12/21 01:56:44PM @dusty:

Wow, the guitar and dulcimer just complement each other so well!

Gordon Hardy
03/12/21 11:36:45AM @gordon-hardy:

Hey Robin and Mark, I really like this tune. Great beat. Yes indeed, water is life!