Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Hard Times Come Again No More

Hard Times Come Again No More

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 80


Song by Stephen Foster (PD) Mark & I don't sing much. These lyrics are ones we can sing from the heart. We are all here to take care, to look after the welfare of one another.
Robin Thompson
05/07/21 08:03:11AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks a bunch, @steven-berger!  We hope we encourage anybody to make music at home if it's in their heart to do so.  Music can bring joy to a home like nothing else can.  

Steven Berger
05/06/21 07:19:35PM @steven-berger:

You guys are just plain good!

Robin Thompson
05/06/21 10:23:08AM @robin-thompson:

@jan-potts Thank you!  This has been a time like no other, for sure!  It is one we could gather and play and sing together from the heart.  

Jan Potts
05/06/21 01:28:41AM @jan-potts:

I really like this!  Maybe one day we'll all get together and play this!  We've all sure gone through hard times...

Robin Thompson
03/23/21 01:22:44PM @robin-thompson:

@learning-always Thank you for your kind comments.  The lyrics are, indeed, powerful.  

Learning Always
03/23/21 01:19:09PM @learning-always:

Thank you for sharing this. I loved the song and your harmonies.

Robin Thompson
03/23/21 11:49:53AM @robin-thompson:

@macaodha Thank you, Val.  Springtime is here in the Appalachian foothills and, with it, new life-- flowers, budding bushes & trees, birds.  

03/23/21 10:58:32AM @macaodha:

That is just beautiful, closed my eyes and was whisked away to the Appalachian foothills.

Robin Thompson
03/23/21 08:26:31AM @robin-thompson:

Thank you @tom-mcdonald.  We ever get to jam with you again, please, play harmonica on this!  

Tom McDonald
03/23/21 12:30:23AM @tom-mcdonald:

Very nice, Robin and Mark!

Robin Thompson
03/21/21 05:21:12PM @robin-thompson:

@dulcinina @kevin-r @gordon-hardy @john-c-knopf Many thanks, friends.  We do not sing much and need to practice more than we do. Yet when there are lyrics we can sing from the heart, it makes singing easier.    

There are so many people hurting-- as John indicated, we all are engaged in some type of struggle-- it behooves us all to be kind.  

John C. Knopf
03/21/21 02:28:42PM @john-c-knopf:

Such a moving song by Stephen Foster.  He certainly knew hard times, didn't he?  And so do we, over 150 years later.  But we still have hope for a brighter future.  We need to remember to be nicer than necessary to others, as we ALL are fighting SOME sort of battle.  Thanks, Robin and Mark!

Gordon Hardy
03/21/21 01:16:31PM @gordon-hardy:

Robin and Mark "My heart is in my throat!" I love this song and you have done such a beautiful job here. Bless you and please never tell us again that you can't or don't sing. Love your harmonies. Thank you for this!

Kevin R.
03/21/21 01:03:47PM @kevin-r:

Bravo! Great job!

03/21/21 12:27:55PM @dulcinina:

One of my favorites and you do it so well. Thank you Robin and Mark. Nina