Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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In Knee-Deep Snow

In Knee-Deep Snow

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 73


Mark and I are trading leads between guitar and mountain dulcimer.
Robin Thompson
01/21/25 04:04:16PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, @davisjames -- we have snow and bitter cold here now.  Thanks for listening to our stuff (music) again!  I hope you're indoors and warm & cozy where you are!  

01/21/25 03:06:47PM @davisjames:

Hi Guys.Listening to your stuff(music)yet again.I always a treat.


Robin Thompson
11/30/23 05:24:40PM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks, Val @macaodha !  In noter style, it isn't always easy for me to play behind Mark on a tune so as to make it "listenable".  

11/30/23 02:51:29PM @macaodha:

Beautiful, Robin and Mark.

Robin Thompson
11/29/23 06:58:56PM @robin-thompson:

Jamie @davisjames , thanks for listening-- we're glad you like the tune and it brings back memories for you!  On a weather note, cold today yet no snow here in my little corner of Ohio US.  sun

11/29/23 12:18:18PM @davisjames:

Almost Canadian[I'm joking,snow has no boundaries,laugh]...the music is lovely as is the title...brings back many memories.

Robin Thompson
11/29/23 09:49:41AM @robin-thompson:

Wow, @cindy-stammich !  We woke up to green grass-- not nearly as exciting as your snow.  

Cindy Stammich
11/28/23 08:47:19PM @cindy-stammich:

To add a little visual to that beautiful music!

This is what we woke up to this morning🤣


Robin Thompson
11/28/23 06:24:01PM @robin-thompson:

@gordon-hardy Thank you, friend!  Yes, making homemade music is about bringing joy to the home with dear ones.  

Gordon Hardy
11/28/23 05:00:36PM @gordon-hardy:

Exceptional team work Robin and Mark! What home made music is all about. Thanks for sharing.

Robin Thompson
11/28/23 07:49:20AM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks, @cindy-stammich @hobbyhorse @dusty @phil-myers !  

Making music at home is one thing we love so much and we hope everybody who has it in their heart to make music at home will do so.  Mark & I have been working on this trading leads version of the tune and each time we do it, it is anybody's guess how it will turn out.  This version is one of our better ones.  sun

Again, thank you, friends.

Phil Myers
11/28/23 07:21:33AM @phil-myers:

Another beauty from y'all!

Dusty Turtle
11/28/23 01:47:40AM @dusty:

This is absolutely wonderful, Robin.  I love the back-and-forth, the weaving of the two instruments.  It's playful but also restrained. Each instrument respects the other.

11/28/23 12:05:10AM @hobbyhorse:

Just lovely ..... thanks!!

Cindy Stammich
11/27/23 09:58:21PM @cindy-stammich:

As always - you make this beautiful music and then….. give it a name that leaves me shaking my head, smiling and saying………

Ok, I like (in this case) In Knee-Deep Snow 😃😉🎶👍

Love this!