Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Road to Beech Grove

Road to Beech Grove

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar duo

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 70


We used to walk to an old church and burying ground called Beech Grove. Sound quality is better through headphones. :)
Robin Thompson
10/16/24 05:09:10PM @robin-thompson:

@davisjames Jamie, it's funny coincidence you hear our recordings as suggesting stories because my focus in grad school was in a creative writing field.  

The church out at Beech Grove is an old wooden frame church with, if memory serves, a stone foundation with large stones serving as piers for the frame.  (We used to hike to it yet traveling there on foot became unsafe.)  

10/16/24 02:17:54PM @davisjames:

Old churches....I was thinking of the foundations,very often dressed stone with or without mortar,then wood frame on top..nevertheless,it's a good thing that music can be interpreted so many ways...(sometimes far from the creator's intention).A lot of your recordings suggest stories(books,tv,movie)...



Robin Thompson
02/02/24 10:18:04AM @robin-thompson:

@davisjames I'm glad that's the image the tune evoked because the old church and burying ground are in an area with lots of woods.  Thanks for listening!


02/01/24 08:17:24PM @davisjames:

Makes me think of wood and stone..old curches.