Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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On East Mill Street (a work-in-progress)

On East Mill Street (a work-in-progress)

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 49


I (Robin) lived on E. Mill Street in my hometown for a time as a child. And have cherished memories of that time. Recently, I got to look through photos of the house we lived in online because the house is for sale. Mountain dulcimer tuning: Ddda
Robin Thompson
05/13/24 06:41:30PM @robin-thompson:

Yes, @davisjames, lots of Mill Street proper names in the U.S.  My hometown is in farm country in the Scioto River Valley of Ohio.  There were grain mills on E. Mill and near the end of W. Mill.  (The Scioto River of fiddle tune fame with the variant spellings of the river name was just to the west of my hometown.)   

05/13/24 03:26:18PM @davisjames:

Many N.American towns have mill streets,either from watermills or factories...a universal tune!

Robin Thompson
05/11/24 01:11:50PM @robin-thompson:

@nate, thanks a bunch!  We're working on it to smooth-out the play.  (Actually, I'm the one who needed to smooth-out things and I think I'm getting a little better.)  We're happy you like it!  

05/11/24 11:25:28AM @nate:

I like this one a lot, Robin

Robin Thompson
05/04/24 08:31:06AM @robin-thompson:

@dan , we have various sparrows all around and I'm ashamed to say I don't know the varieties.  Though this tune needs evened-out some, I'm always working to improve my noter play.  Thanks for listening and I'll look out for House Sparrows particularly!   

05/03/24 08:54:44PM @dan:

Have you ever watched a House Sparrow fly? I hear that motion in your noter....wonderful!