Seven Chimneys

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:33
Duration: 00:01:33
In the photo of the old brick plant, eight chimneys are visible. Mark recalls there being seven chimneys at the site when he was a teenager, long after the brick plant had been out of operation.
In the photo of the old brick plant, eight chimneys are visible. Mark recalls there being seven chimneys at the site when he was a teenager, long after the brick plant had been out of operation.
@cindy-stammich, thank you! We're happy you enjoyed listening!
Fun fun fun!
I could put this on a loop and listen to it all afternoon!
@macaodha, many thanks, Val. We appreciate your listening and your nice comment!
Short and sweet, good to see and hear ye play.
Thanks so much, @gordon-hardy! We're having glorious autumn weather here in Ohio.
Looks like you chose an absolutely beautiful day in Ohio to play your fine tune "Seven Chimneys"! Mark and Robin thanks for sharing.
@hobbyhorse Thanks a bunch! If we were to play the tune through twice, the upload would take almost 8 hours so we kept it short. :)
Loved it ..... I could wish it were longer.