Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Seven Chimneys

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:33
In the photo of the old brick plant, eight chimneys are visible. Mark recalls there being seven chimneys at the site when he was a teenager, long after the brick plant had been out of operation.
Robin Thompson
10/18/21 09:13:40AM @robin-thompson:

@cindy-stammich, thank you!  We're happy you enjoyed listening!  

Cindy Stammich
10/17/21 10:33:21PM @cindy-stammich:

Fun fun fun!
I could put this on a loop and listen to it all afternoon!

Robin Thompson
09/28/21 04:28:48PM @robin-thompson:

@macaodha, many thanks, Val.  We appreciate your listening and your nice comment! 

09/28/21 03:01:25PM @macaodha:

Short and sweet, good to see and hear ye play.

Robin Thompson
09/27/21 11:41:14AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks so much, @gordon-hardy!  We're having glorious autumn weather here in Ohio.  

Gordon Hardy
09/27/21 10:51:13AM @gordon-hardy:

Looks like you chose an absolutely beautiful day in Ohio to play your fine tune "Seven Chimneys"!  Mark and Robin thanks for sharing.

Robin Thompson
09/26/21 05:18:37PM @robin-thompson:

@hobbyhorse Thanks a bunch!  If we were to play the tune through twice, the upload would take almost 8 hours so we kept it short.  :)

09/26/21 02:54:10PM @hobbyhorse:

Loved it ..... I could wish it were longer.