@dusty-turtle Thank you, friend! We don't know how the music we play at home translates for others yet it brings something good to us to make music at home.
Thank you, @gordon-hardy! If we want any music practiced in this house we're the ones to do it-- music won't practice itself. haha Happy strumming, my friend!
@dusty-turtle Thank you, friend! We don't know how the music we play at home translates for others yet it brings something good to us to make music at home.
So soothing. Both of your instruments sound so warm, patient, and inviting.
@cindy-stammich Thanks, Cindy! We like playing together-- it's a nice way to spend time together at home.
Hauntingly beautiful! You two always play so well together! I love dulcimer and guitar together!
Thank you, @gordon-hardy! If we want any music practiced in this house we're the ones to do it-- music won't practice itself. haha
Happy strumming, my friend!
Well done! Lovely music! You two complement each other so well......But hey! You already know that!