Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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youtube videos: 39
images: 46
Groups: 1
videos: 1
audio tracks: 41

Watching Lightning Bugs

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:04
An original tune on mountain dulcimer in noter/drone style & guitar.
Robin Thompson
07/10/23 12:52:30PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, @cindy-stammich , we're glad you like the tune!  Making music at home is one of our very favorite things to do in the whole world.  :)

Cindy Stammich
07/09/23 11:32:57PM @cindy-stammich:

Love it!  Even if it was recorded without any lightning bugs😉  you two are so fun!

Robin Thompson
07/05/23 04:33:48PM @robin-thompson:

@dan , thank you!!

07/05/23 10:59:45AM @dan:
