

Location: Reichelsheim
Country: Germany

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youtube videos: 53
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Amazing Grace

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:53
I recorded the well known traditional hymn "Amazing Grace" on the basis of the arrangement of Nina Zanetti and Beth Lassi from their beautiful book "Tunes for Two or More", Volume 3.

I begin with the Melody and add one voice in each repetition up to a quartet and then I am going back to one voice at the end again.

1. rd: Melody
2. rd: plus Harmony
3. rd: plus Bass Harmony
4 rd: plus Descant
5 rd: minus Bass Harmony
6. rd: minus Harmony at the end

I would be happy if you enjoyed it...

(Best listened to it with headphones!)


I offer the service "Wish for a Tune" on my website - for more information please find following the link to it:





Sweet Woods Instruments Student Mountain Dulcimer

03/09/19 12:58:04PM @ariane:

Thank you so much, Kevin - I am very happy to read your kind comment.

Kevin R.
03/09/19 11:39:00AM @kevin-r:

Very beautiful, Ariane. You always do such a great job. I love it!

03/09/19 04:50:09AM @ariane:

Thank you very much, Mandy, for your kind comment. sun

03/08/19 06:45:22PM @mandy:

Great job Ariane! I particularly enjoyed the speed of it.  All went together nicely.  Hope you’ve been doing well.  

03/08/19 12:07:58PM @ariane:

That's so nice, Bob - thank you very much!

03/07/19 06:59:06PM @bob:

Beautiful.. so pretty. Thank you Ariane.

03/07/19 02:04:06PM @ariane:

Thank you very much, John, Dusty, Kjb and Terry, for your sooo kind comments! grphug

Terry Wilson
03/07/19 08:58:17AM @terry-wilson:

Favorite song.  Beautifully played.  

03/06/19 01:20:09PM @kjb:

loved this.  Watched it twice.  I will check out some arrangements of the tune too.

Dusty Turtle
03/06/19 12:36:09PM @dusty:

Very nice, Ariane.  Nina comes up with some beautiful arrangements, doesn't she?  Of course, they work best in the hands of soulful musicians such as yourself.  I love the way this arrangement slowly builds.  And David Lynch would be delighted to see you making such wonderful music with one of his "student" dulcimers.

John W. McKinstry
03/06/19 12:15:44PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thank you Ariane. That was beautiful. it got me into the Lenten

mood, this also being Ash Wednesday.  Thanks again.

03/06/19 05:04:14AM @ariane:

Thank you very much, Steven, Dan, Geckostar97 and Cindy - your so kind comments make me very happy! grphug  

Cindy Stammich
03/05/19 11:03:14PM @cindy-stammich:




03/05/19 05:09:02PM @dan:


Steven Berger
03/05/19 03:30:36PM @steven-berger:

Beautifully played, Ariane!