Bob Reinsel


Location: Northern VA
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Homer Ross RD Reinsel Elvensong Don Grundy Laurel K Scott Kevin R. TLKelly dulcinina Charles Thomas Dick Lilly Monica Cat Brown David Pedersen Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Mr. Phil Mcdaniel Lynn austin Stewart McCormick Steve Battarbee James Phillips Gordon Hardy Kevin Messenger Terry Wilson robert schuler Joy W. Jan Potts Brian G. Alan Thompson john p Sam Dusty Turtle Ken Longfield Guy Babusek John Henry Glenda  Hubbard Jim Fawcett Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 9
images: 15
videos: 2
audio tracks: 2

Hard Times Come Again No More

Hard Times Come Again No More

style or instrument:

musician/member name: Bob Reinsel

streams: 72


My first attempt at multi-track recording. I play guitar, dulcimer, and sing.
RD Reinsel
07/07/18 09:00:37AM @rd-reinsel:

Well done Bob

Jan Potts
12/01/17 03:04:29AM @jan-potts:

I love your rendition of this, Bob! You've got a great voice and sing this with the compassion it deserves.

03/31/17 08:43:03PM @fitzcassidy:

A BEAUTIFUL song! Very well done.


Bob Reinsel
01/24/17 03:56:07PM @bob-reinsel:

Val, thanks for the kind words.  I'm struggling a bit with the recording tools, but so far, so good.

01/24/17 08:37:07AM @macaodha:

Very nice Bob, great voice.

Steven Berger
01/22/17 05:54:13AM @steven-berger:

That's great, Bob! Best I've heard since the Civil War!



David Pedersen
01/21/17 09:57:40PM @david-pedersen:

That was really good Bob.  Cant wait to try that. Just got a Tascam DP 008ex.

Bob Reinsel
01/21/17 05:29:01PM @bob-reinsel:

Thank-you both.  Dusty, did you notice I stole a lick from you right at the end?

Gordon Hardy
01/21/17 05:17:22PM @gordon-hardy:

This is lovely Bob, it's such a pleasure to hear you sing and play. Thank you.

Dusty Turtle
01/21/17 04:36:54PM @dusty:

Both the singing and the playing are really nice here, Bob.  Nice job!  Perhaps the most compassionate song ever written.

Maybe you can give me a lesson on multitrack recording. I can't seem to get the hang of it, despite feeling fairly proficient at several instruments.