Christine Shoemaker


Location: Clawson, MI
Country: US

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youtube videos: 46

Viuda Negra (Black Widow) - An original Salsa piece on a Dulciborn Mountain Dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:18
I thought I'd try something different today. An original Salsa song played on a Gold Tone Dulciborn Mountain Dulcimer, tuned C-g-cc
Christine Shoemaker
07/16/15 05:28:27PM @christine-shoemaker:

Thank you Terry!  Yes, I do tend to kind of play off of the grid.  I sure hope that's not a bad thing!  worried

Terry Wilson
07/15/15 08:44:54AM @terry-wilson:

My my my, that is some more great playing.  You certainly have your own style of playing, unlike anyone else.  Nice.

Christine Shoemaker
07/14/15 09:35:08AM @christine-shoemaker:

Steve - ROTFL laughlaugh   You crack me up!  That reminded me of Strumelia's recent mini-lesson on using a tamborine with your foot.  I'm not quite that coordinated...I wonder if she would consider sitting in with me on this?  That sure would be some Happy Feet, eh?  Haha!  

Christine Shoemaker
07/14/15 09:20:49AM @christine-shoemaker:

Thank you everyone!  It's hard for me not to dance while I'm playing it Dusty - ha!  That's the only thing about the Mountain Dulcimer, you are locked (well, I am anyway) into your seat while playing and it limits your movements.  I suppose that is true with a lot of instruments but it seems more pronounced with ours, do you think?  wondering       Much appreciated Ken - I sure wish we could rock together sometime!  Thanks Joy, I believe you.  This one was a bit different for me, wasn't it?  You should see the first couple of takes - apparently it's possible to have too much fun!  giggle

Steve Battarbee
07/14/15 09:10:47AM @steve-battarbee:

You're 'smokin' on this one Christine. Impressive!

......and even more impressive to think you're playing the bongos with your feet!! Wow Laugh

Dusty Turtle
07/13/15 09:42:06PM @dusty:

Oh feets don't fail me now!  It's hard not to dance a bit listening to this one.

Ken Backer
07/13/15 08:40:51PM @ken-backer:

Great as usual, Chris, you rock Galdancecool pimento

Joy W.
07/13/15 07:56:00PM @joy-w:

I like this one a lot! Fun piece.

Lexie R Oakley
07/13/15 05:27:37PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Very nicely played, liked the salsa movin' with it!