Cindy Stammich


Location: South Bend, IN
Country: US

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My Jesus I Love Thee on the Banjammer

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:36
My Jesus I Love Thee is one of my all-time favorites. This is dedicated to my very special friends Jack and Gloria - who I met thru music! They gave me this ...
Cindy Stammich
11/18/14 08:53:56PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much Cynthia and Lexie! I appreciate the kind words Smile.gif

I do love playing my is something special.

This is one of my all-time favorite songs too!

Lexie R Oakley
11/17/14 02:30:51PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Cindy, that was nice display and picking...very fun instrument. Love the song.

Cynthia Wigington
11/17/14 01:26:12PM @cynthia-wigington:

Cindy this is fantastic.

Robert L. Porter, Jr.
09/30/14 10:59:41PM @robert-l-porter-jr:

Way to go! Enjoyed that song.

Greg Patterson
09/24/14 09:15:33PM @greg-patterson:

Nice picking there. Never heard one those banjammers before-- neat sound!

Patty from Virginia
09/22/14 08:24:07PM @patty-from-virginia:

Sounds good!!! I like it!!! That's an interesting effect on the video too.

09/22/14 06:55:00AM @bobby-maxspop-bingham:

Hi Cindi, great job. Gotta get me one of those things. BTW, the poem you published is wonderful and can't wait to hear you and your daughter perform it!41.gif

Robin Thompson
09/21/14 07:53:31PM @robin-thompson:
Really nice, Cindy! Though it's been years since I've sung this old hymn, your play brought the words to mind.Oh, I liked the video effects, too!
Gordon Hardy
09/21/14 07:37:46PM @gordon-hardy:

Cindy, you did a great job. That's lovely, it is indeed a favorite of mine as well.

jeffrey charles foster
09/21/14 09:48:08AM @jeffrey-charles-foster:

one of my favorites


Guy Babusek
09/20/14 08:40:06PM @guy-babusek:
Nice fingerpicking, and great video effect too!
Ben Barr Jr
09/20/14 08:21:59PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Good job and nice sound.

John Keane
09/20/14 07:48:02PM @john-keane:

Very nice job! Smile.gif

Cindy Stammich
09/20/14 06:53:21PM @cindy-stammich:

I am experimenting with different ways of playing. This version was just with my fingers - no picks and no tape (which I have been trying).