The Crawdad Song - Gone Froggy

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Duration: 00:01:31
Duration: 00:01:31
My mother has a a beautiful double pond in her back yard. It is so peaceful and beautiful. The frogs are a fun part of the whole setting! My son-in-law Ed loves to give mom a hard time about having frog legs.......which led to the fun we are having here - this is for my mom!
Wow thanks everyone!!! By the time we did this it was late and we were getting silly - but having too much fun to stop!!! I have not (and will not) ever eat either of these critters... whether they taste like chicken or not....Hahaha!!! Ed and my mom go around and around - they are TOOOOO funny. Mom got the biggest kick out of this - it was a surprise. I didn't tell her anything about it, I just sent it to her. And it's so true, it just doesn't get any better than this - family fun!
Thanks again for listening and sharing in our silly fun!!!!
This place is a very special place and I feel very blessed to be a part of this group!
That was fun!!! I wonder if they serve crawdads and frog legs at Cracker Barrel?
Well I have to admit that I've eaten both crawdads and frogs legs. Neither tastes like chicken, for the record, though crawdads are usually well spiced, so it could be almost anything.
Great family fun Cindy, loved the lyrics and your boys taking part.
Beautiful pond and yard there. Great playing guys.
Good music, lots of family fun. Doesn't get much better than that. Way to go Cindy.
LOL! Fun is where it's at!
Well that's just fun stuff right there!
You're having too much fun!
You two are having a great time! What fun and good playing
I know the tune as "Froggy Went a Courtin' ".
Loved it!
So cute!
Fun stuff, thanks.