Spanish is a Loving Tongue

musician/member name: Dusty T
Duration: 00:02:27
Duration: 00:02:27
Melody composed by Billy Simon in 1925 to accompany lyrics written by the cowboy poet Charles Badger Clark in 1907. I am playing a 3-string mountain dulcimer made of cherry and redwood by Terry McCafferty and tuned CGc. I play the tune once in C, then modulate to F, and then go back to C for the tag. (Attentive listeners can hear a squeaky door opening and closing shortly after the 2:00 point.)
Hey Dusty, Enjoyed your tune.
Thanks for listening, Rob. And yes, I love my McCafferty. It has a big, balanced sound and is super responsive to your fingers on the fretboard.
That was great! One of my favorites to play and sing. Those McCaffertys really sound good. I have a student who plays one.