Try these sites for free tab

11 months ago
2,324 posts

Thought I'd throw in this additional link for where to find free dulcimer tab:

(btw I think a lot of their tab is actually taken from the original Bruce Ford's Everything Dulcimer site, which is no longer existing.)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 05/14/24 09:34:44AM
11 months ago
18 posts

Thanks Dusty! I got it, and the notation is not a problem. So thanks again!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 months ago
1,483 posts

@dusty, thanks a bunch for the information!  

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
11 months ago
1,797 posts

@lorilee and @robin-thompson, Neal is only charging $5 for a download of that Richard Fariña book, but the version of "A Swallow Song" there does not contain tab. It's just the melody in standard music notation and chord names to strum while you sing.  Most of the book is tab, but there are 2-3 songs like this where the melody is not provided in tab.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie

updated by @dusty: 05/10/24 06:05:12PM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 months ago
1,483 posts

@lorilee The Richard Fariña Dulcimer Book is available for purchase as download from Gourd Music here:

11 months ago
18 posts

Does anyone have tablature that they are willing to share for RIchard Farina's A Swallow Song?

Steve Smith
Steve Smith
11 years ago
33 posts

Just to clear up an old comment (I wasn't a member at that time and didn'tsee it), the WNCDC taband midi files areuploaded toEverythingDulcimer about once a year. I think I may be a year or so behind, besides...

But the Western North Carolina Dulcimer Collective tab page is always up to date as of the current newsletter, and also includes mp3 recordings of each tune. They're the ones we used to send out on CD, but this is easier! One version is always the melody, the second isas-shown on the tab, andoften there's a third that is either finger-picked or playedat full-speed if it's a faster tune. (No tab for the fingerpicked versions, because I make them up as I record them!) And all of our tunes can be played on just the melody string with drones or with full chords, in either D-A-dd or D-A-AA.

The midi files are on both websites, although I really wonderwhether anyone uses them. But they're so tiny and so quick to produce with the notation software I use that they're no problem to provide, too. That software, by the way, is a DOS program I bought in 1989!

Ken Hulme said:

All of the Western North Carolina Dulcimer Collective (WNCDC) tabs are archived on along with midi files to listen to.

Mark Nelson
Mark Nelson
11 years ago
1 posts

Howdy, all

I've uploaded some YouTube lessons to my channel , all of which have free tab available on my website .

I'll be doing more of this as time permits, so stay tuned.

Linda W. Collins
Linda W. Collins
12 years ago
24 posts

You are welcome, Phil. That's a Blue Lion Dulcimer!


12 years ago
129 posts

thanks Linda. Love the in-lay on the neck of the Dulcimer on your front page.

updated by @phil: 07/07/15 09:33:47PM
Linda W. Collins
Linda W. Collins
12 years ago
24 posts

I have a few free TABs on my website, and more will be added.

Best to all,


Dan Goad
Dan Goad
12 years ago
155 posts

Lots of new folks joining and looking for tab. I thought I would give this thread a little bump and assist our new members a little bit

Grin.gif Grin.gif Grin.gif

RavenMadd Garcia
RavenMadd Garcia
12 years ago
41 posts

thanks so much

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
12 years ago
2,157 posts

I'm techno-challenged sometimes. To me "midi" files are soundfiles. But Wayne's right. They aren't a real instrument playing, more like a synthesizer. Not every soundfile at ED Tab is a midi, most are quite good in fact.

12 years ago
2,324 posts

Beginners should also be aware of the fact that mtn dulcimer tabs can be intended either for chord playing style (melody notes are fretted on all strings), or for noter/drone playing style (entire melody fretted on the melody string only). The two kinds of tab can be quite different, so keep that in mind.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
12 years ago
2,157 posts

Jessica - we can certainly share sites that contain music or tabs. There are restrictions here about sharing recordings of music not your own and not known to be public domain... has an interesting "dulcimer" collection, but a great deal of it is tab for the Hammered Dulcimer, not Mountain Dulcimer. To use any of that site you also need to download the free program called TEFView if you do not own TableEdit.

Gila Mountain - my dear friend Kerry Coates - has not kept up with changes on her website for several years, so her links may or may not be valid. I think, for example, she still lists me as running a dulcimer club in Prescott, AZ, when in fact I haven't live there since 2002 and she was at my going away party. Kerry no longer makes her fabulous dulcimers, either.Frown.gif

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
12 years ago
1,797 posts

Ron Beardslee has recently begun putting a bunch of beginner tab up on the Redwood Dulcimer Day website: . Ron teaches the beginner class at RDD every year and usesthis tab for that class. If you are just starting out, this material is perfect.

Mark Tindle has made available a lot of tablature of common dulcimer tunes (especially hymns) in arrangements mainly for intermediate players: .

Gary Gallier has posted a bunch of tab on the Gallier Brothers website, though I would not recommend it for beginners. Some of it is pretty difficult stuff: .

The same is true of Neal Hellman, who hides an ecclectic assortment tab in the deep recesses of the Gourd Music website: .

There is, in short, lots of tab available for every level of MD player. Make use of it. I do. But I would also urge you all not to be a slave to tab. Learn songs by ear. Make your own arrangements. Use your instrument to express yourself.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
13 years ago
129 posts

that would have been way to easy, If there is a hard way to do something you can bet I will find it Grin.gif 24.gif

13 years ago
2,324 posts

Phil, next time, just type in something like "free tab" into our FOTMD handy SEARCH BOX at the top right of any page here. It will pull up various threads showing links to free tab, and this thread is right on the second page of the search results. It's really easier to find stuff here by using the FOTMD search box!

phil said:

it took me all night to find this page again I so glade it still here. A few weeks ago my old laptop with all my links up and died on me. I have been going nuts trying to find some of the links I had and here are most of them, Thanks Folkfan and Vivian.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
13 years ago
129 posts

it took me all night to find this page again I so glade it still here. A few weeks ago my old laptop with all my links up and died on me. I have been going nuts trying to find some of the links I had and here are most of them, Thanks Folkfan and Vivian.

13 years ago
2,324 posts

Vivian, I think anyone who looks in this DulcimerResources/Tab/Books forum will see the title of this thread and be able to see your post and links.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Vivian Hays
Vivian Hays
13 years ago
19 posts

I'm just wondering, is there a way to post these links to free tab sites in a way that would be easy for people to find? As it is they seem to get buried in pages of other posts, unless there is a way already and I just haven't found it..I thought I saw some of these links once before, but could not relocate them, which is one reason I reposted the ones that I was familiar with. If there is already a permanent place to access certain links please let me know! ThanksGrin.gif

Vivian Hays
Vivian Hays
13 years ago
19 posts

Wow, those are nice sites. I had used Prussie Valley before, but had not the others. I forgot about using image search. Thanks!

john p
john p
13 years ago
173 posts

Another tip for TAB and SMN is to use Google IMAGE search instead of the general search.

Helps eliminate some of the dross.

john p

Vivian Hays
Vivian Hays
13 years ago
19 posts

I see that lots of people who are beginners like me and new to this are asking for tabs, or how to find tabs, and I thought I would post this...I have found lots of songs I am looking for on these sites. has a very good database and tons of tab...I generally start by just doing a Google search ..."free dulcimer tab for____"and find tons of links that have the tabs.

updated by @vivian-hays: 08/01/23 03:04:29AM