What kinds of tunes do you most like to play on your mtn dulcimer?

13 years ago
357 posts
Should have added Sea Chanteys to my list.
Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
13 years ago
85 posts

I play mostly hymns now, they're just easier for me to play for some reason. Smile.gif

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Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
I love Appalachian fiddle tunes!8.gif
Bucko Futreal
Bucko Futreal
13 years ago
8 posts

I like to play primarily original and improvisational stuff.

john p
john p
13 years ago
173 posts
Favourite would be folk ballads I guess, anything that tells a story.
I like a good dance tune as well but my playing style is not always up to speed on some of them.
I often have current favourites too, something I've just discovered and can't leave alone for a while.

Or I'll get into a particular mode and find a few favourites that get played to death until I retune. I'm on Aeolian at the moment and playing 'Son Ar Chistr' a lot(Breton cider drinking song), also part of some Spanish tune that's really well known but can't remember the name of.

john p
Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
13 years ago
62 posts

My favorite is John Stinson's # 2 Grin.gif

But I just found the words to Harrison Town and I am currently mesmerized by that tune too. :)

Best wishes,

Mary Z. Cox


Scott Allen
Scott Allen
13 years ago
24 posts

I like to play most anything on my MD. I have very eclectic tastes in music. Everywhere from Celtic to Hard Rock, but Celtic and very old time Appalachian music is what sounds "right" to me on the dulcimer. Good thread!


13 years ago
357 posts

Scottish, Irish, and English folk songs. Especially the old ballads and songs of historical uprisings etc.

If it mentions Bonnie Prince Charlie, it is probably in my TAB or on my to be tabbed list.

Stephanie Stuckwisch
Stephanie Stuckwisch
13 years ago
45 posts
Folk music, both US and British Isles. Modern folk styles tunes. Shape note and Shaker hymns. Celtic music. Grateful Dead songs.
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
13 years ago
2,157 posts
Celtic, Olde Tyme, English & American Folk
Paul Certo
Paul Certo
13 years ago
242 posts

I like a large variety, but more old time and fiddle tunes than any other kind. I prefer to sing, so a lot of other stuff turns up. I've been known to play bluegrass, Hawaiian or rock as well.


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
Appalachian old-time fiddle tunes for me! Hope I'll be able to play 'em 'til the day I die! 63.gif 3.gif Smile.gif
Kendra Ward
Kendra Ward
13 years ago
10 posts

I love to play the old-time tunes and fiddle tunes, with a little bluegrass thrown in. I like the tunes my dad played such as Evelina, Seeing Nellie Home, Home Sweet Home, Cripple Creek, Cluck Old Hen. I have written several tunes that I like to play too....and... I love old gospel hymns. I guess I tend to like the older melodies rather than the modern ones.


13 years ago
169 posts

Well ... since I don't actually play, I have substantial limitations. I can strum the melody to a few tunes and so that's where I am. I like older folk tunes. I guess the standards are what I most want to play ... Shady Grove, Old Joe Clark, things like that.

I enjoy listening to almost everything and really hope to improve to the point that I'll be able to actually play a few songs all the way through.

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
13 years ago
2,302 posts

I'm not talking about what playing styles people use, but rather what kinds of tunes and songs you like to play most on your mountain dulcimer....?

What do you like to play most often?-

jazz, old English/Appalachian ballads, countrywestern, blues, traditional hymns, modern popular music, American folk songs from the 1940's-60's, original compositions, fiddle tunes, childrens songs, classical music, rock music, trad Irish/Celtic music, medieval, or some other kind of tunes....?

Tell us what kind of music you mostly like to play! I'd love to hear what people are most into on their dulcimers these days.

You can list your several favorite types, too. But if you say you like to play them ALL, ...then that's not really listing your 'favorites', is it?- so please, tell us your favorite types of music to play- maybe pick between 1-4 types maximum if possible.

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 08/03/23 03:26:40AM