John W. McKinstry


Location: Lee, MA
Country: US

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A Medley of Hymns (Instrumental)

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:20
“What a Friend We Have in Jesus”, Dear Lord & Father of Mankind”, Nearer My God to Thee”, “Abide with Me”, “Blest Be the Tie that Binds”.
10/06/22 04:36:12PM @marg:


09/30/22 07:08:10AM @strumelia:

Very beautiful, John. flower

Cindy Stammich
09/29/22 07:43:21PM @cindy-stammich:

John, this is beautiful!  What a wonderful medley, and thank you for introducing me to Dear Lord & Father of Mankind!  I love this and had never heard it until now.  I also much appreciated the story of Faith, thank you showing how our instruments become part of the family!  Thank you for sharing this!

Ken Longfield
09/29/22 05:49:20PM @ken-longfield:

Beautiful John. Thanks for sharing this.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Cynthia Wigington
09/29/22 05:31:42PM @cynthia-wigington:

Calming music and a sweet-toned and well-loved dulcimer - it doesn't get any better than this on Thursday evening! Thanks for what you do John.

Richard Streib
09/29/22 01:52:54PM @richard-streib:

Thanks John for sharing. Such beautiful hymns and wonderful playing.

Gordon Hardy
09/29/22 12:52:17PM @gordon-hardy:

This is lovely John. Beautiful favorite hymns played with love. Very nice sound from the "enhanced" dulcimer.

John W. McKinstry
09/29/22 11:49:02AM @john-w-mckinstry:

These hymns are played on my "T.K. Obrien Student Dulcimer Model #36".  She came into my life at a reduced price having once had a small crack that was restored.  Now she is no longer a number, or a second, but a friend named "Faith".  She has a sweet and soothing "Ionian" voice and likes to do arpeggiated chords when we do hymns together.  Recently I gave a little gift of a "transducer" mike to her.  She is absolutely delighted with it for now her soft voice is enhanced.