John W. McKinstry


Location: Lee, MA
Country: US

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Jesus Won't You Come by Here?

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:39
C G C capo III
Added verse by John McKinstry
03/10/25 09:12:41AM @steve-c:

Wonderful!  Loved it John!

Dusty Turtle
03/10/25 03:12:46AM @dusty:

Thanks you so much, John, for this heartfelt offering. flower  

Robert L. Porter, Jr.
03/10/25 12:23:05AM @robert-l-porter-jr:

Good song Mr. John, I enjo

yed it.

Ken Longfield
03/09/25 12:20:32PM @ken-longfield:

Thank you, John. Well done.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

03/09/25 01:42:18AM @veekster:

Wonderful! Thank you!

Cindy Stammich
02/16/25 11:05:34PM @cindy-stammich:

John, This is so beautiful and heartfelt!  I especially like the 4th verse acknowledging Jesus has heard your prayer!  Beautiful!