Ken Longfield


Location: Reedsville, PA
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Appalachian Dulcimer Museum opening

Appalachian Dulcimer Museum opening

Saturday November 9 2024, 1:00 PM
@ Sperryville, VA
Attendees:  @Ken Longfield@BrianMc@Kendra Ward

For those who have been asking about when the museum will open, here is the announcement. 

Grand Opening!

Appalachian Dulcimer Museum at
Apple Attacha Cidery
3 Josh Ben Lane
Sperryville VA (540) 423-8717

Tour one of the largest historic collections in the world. Learn about the history of a truly authentic American instrument. Springing from the Middle Ages and steeped in mystery, this instrument was brought over by early settlers and was reinvented to become a uniquely American adaptation.

• Kendra Ward* / Bob Bence (Ohio) *Winner at Galax 2024
• Don Pedi (North Carolina)
• Vincent Farsetta (West Virginia)
• Thomasina Levy (Connecticut)
• John Renwick (North Carolina)
• Tyler Webb (Virginia)
• plus special guest players~!

Historians will be on hand to answer your questions. (Including myself)

11/08/24 12:57:45AM @steve-c:

Sounds great! Been a long time getting here but I’m sure it’s worth it!  Wish I could go but, I have too much on my plate at the moment. Enjoy it all and soak up those dulcimer tunes and history! 

Jan Potts
11/07/24 11:25:45PM @jan-potts:

I wish I could be there!

Ken Longfield
08/31/24 01:35:57PM @ken-longfield:

John Hallberg is the person behind the creation of the museum. I can send you his email via a PM here if you want it. The museum is a large room with displays of instruments from pre-dulcimer to modern instruments. There are a great many pre-revival instruments. I know that John likes concerts and performing. He considers himself a dulcimer historian and is a collector of the instruments.

There are no restaurants nearby and the concert area is very small, if it has to be inside. This early Nov. and in the mountains so who knows whether the concerts and jamming will be inside or outside.

Is it worth it? I think the museum is worth seeing. Interacting with other dulcimer enthusiasts should be fun. I don't know what this is worth to you. 


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Wally Venable
08/31/24 12:19:56PM @wally-venable:

Do I know John Hallberg? His name isn't on the FOTMD Members List.

The Apple Atch Cider name just leads to a FaceBook page and I don't do FaceBook.

What is the reality behind this event? Is it mostly a $50 concert night at a restaurant where there are a bunch of old dulcimers on the wall, or ???

I'm interested, but is it worth my spending several hundred dollars to attend?

Ken Longfield
08/31/24 12:01:16PM @ken-longfield:

Wally, I look forward to see you a Norma the opening. I have no part in planning the event. You might offer your suggestions to John Hallberg.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Wally Venable
08/31/24 11:20:43AM @wally-venable:

I've put the event on our calendar and reserved a room in Luray, VA for that night.

Norma and I will NOT play to perform, but I could bring some instruments and we might jam.

I expect that it may become a convention, and might be rather chaotic, what with playing, historians, museum visit, etc.We took days to wear ourselves out at Berea, and this is scheduled for "1:00 to ??"

I would suggest that "poster sessions" on history, construction, etc. might be in order.

I might prepare one on "the PLAY-PARTY culture," or ???