Ken Longfield


Location: Reedsville, PA
Country: US

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Oh Lord, What A Morning

Oh Lord, What A Morning

style or instrument: C.N. Prichard reproduction

musician/member name: Ken Longfield

streams: 71


I learned this tune from Don Pedi. It is played on one of my reproduction C.N. Prichard dulcimers tuned to C-G-c (or as close as I can get with wood pegs). I wanted to do a slower tune in noter/drone style.
Ken Longfield
08/26/23 08:02:31PM @ken-longfield:

Thank you, Lisa.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

08/26/23 07:58:11PM @strumelia:

I really enjoyed this recording, Ken.  clapper

Ken Longfield
08/21/23 06:50:22PM @ken-longfield:

Thank you for all your kind comments folks.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Randy Adams
08/21/23 02:03:18PM @randy-adams:

Like it about a ton & a half kwl. : ) You're pulling some tone outa there.

08/20/23 09:24:22PM @malcolm:

Love that tune I learned it from don too.

John C. Knopf
08/20/23 09:20:14PM @john-c-knopf:

Lovely, Ken!

Robin Thompson
08/20/23 08:22:29PM @robin-thompson:

Ken, your Prichard build sounds wonderful!