Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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youtube videos: 39
images: 46
Groups: 1
videos: 1
audio tracks: 41

A Heavy Frost

A Heavy Frost

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 38


We wish you all good health & much joy in 2022!
Robin Thompson
07/07/23 06:37:52PM @robin-thompson:

@macaodha Thank you, Val.  As I imagine you know from your own experience, there is just something about making music which brings good things to the soul. 

07/07/23 05:54:00PM @macaodha:

Robin and a Mark, I thank you both for many years of beautiful music played with so much love and feeling.

Robin Thompson
05/11/22 08:14:52PM @robin-thompson:

@davisjames Thank you, Jamie!  I just read your comment to the guitar player in the house and he greatly appreciates your kind words, too.  

05/11/22 07:03:34PM @davisjames:

That is lovely I just listened to more of your playing,Robin and as a guitar player I must say Mark does a marvellous job of accompaniment and interaction.

Robin Thompson
01/26/22 10:37:23AM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks, @steve-battarbee!  I hope you are well and getting to make music!  

Steve Battarbee
01/25/22 06:39:01PM @steve-battarbee:

Lovely tune

Robin Thompson
01/10/22 11:00:16AM @robin-thompson:

@salt-springs, Thank you!  We use it at home yet it might be fit to play out someday.  Home is our most favorite place to make music, though.  Hope you are doing well!

Salt Springs
01/10/22 10:30:52AM @salt-springs:

Great tune...I can imagine that used in a variety of situations......................

Robin Thompson
01/10/22 08:23:43AM @robin-thompson:

@dusty-turtle Thanks, friend!  In real life, I can sometimes be about as subtle as a bowling ball.  On mountain dulcimer, though, I can back off.  :)

Dusty Turtle
01/09/22 11:19:38PM @dusty:

Beautiful!  Such understated expressiveness. flower

Robin Thompson
01/03/22 10:11:49AM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, @macaodha!  Val, I hope you and your dearest ones have a healthy & joyous 2022!

01/03/22 08:54:01AM @macaodha:
