Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Down the Hill and Back

Down the Hill and Back

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 67


Though loud events (a Poker Run through our village and mowers running) conspired against our recording a tune outdoors for worldwide Play Music on the Porch Day, we did put together a new tune and recorded it indoors.
Robin Thompson
01/18/24 03:36:22PM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks, @davisjames jamie, we're glad you enjoyed the tune!  

I came up with the tune name because Mark was going down the hill to help care for one of his parents then he'd eventually come back up the hill to home. 

01/18/24 01:15:49PM @davisjames:

Oh,that is so delightful!Thanks.

Robin Thompson
09/01/23 10:20:56AM @robin-thompson:

@dusty What a sweet sentiment-- we're happy you enjoy the tune while you are this side of life's divide from whatever (if anything) comes next.  bighug

Dusty Turtle
09/01/23 01:45:09AM @dusty:

If someone asks for a moment of silence at my funeral, I hope this tune is played. It is mellow and contemplative but still conveys a satisfied, content feeling.  You two are the best.flower

Robin Thompson
08/31/23 08:31:15AM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks, friends, for listening and for the nice comments.  The tune had no name until PMOTPD so I just named it for what Mark does to go help tend to the needs of his parents on a daily basis-- go down the hill to their house for awhile.  

@macaodha Val, a Poker Run is an event in which motorized vehicles of various kinds travel roads and at designated stops draw a card and a winner is determined at the last stop on the Poker Run.  To write even this much is to write more than I really know, really.  Here, the vehicles travel mostly on backroads so are built to take rough roads.  The engines are loud.  It used to be very quiet here where we live but off-road type vehicles have shattered that.        

08/31/23 07:14:32AM @macaodha:

Mowers,strimmers, power-washers etc hard to get away from. What is a Poker Run? Down the Hill and Back deserves quietness, beautiful.

Gordon Hardy
08/31/23 12:25:42AM @gordon-hardy:

Such sweet music Robin and Mark. So comforting to listen to. Thank you for sharing my friends.

08/30/23 11:25:16PM @nate:

I like everything you two put out, but this one I find especially calming 

Robin Thompson
08/30/23 08:24:57PM @robin-thompson:

It used to be so quiet here. . . what

08/30/23 10:27:03AM @strumelia:

Good for you and Mark , creating beautiful handmade sounds despite the surrounding din of roaring engines in your neighborhood!  flower