Another tune from us which may put you to sleep. ;)
Better sound quality can be had through ear buds or headphones.
The tune is in honor of our foundling, Billy Boy. He's a good boy.
@davisjames We don't do live performances. Though we have played 'out' some in the past, we haven't done so in quite awhile. We appreciate your listening and your kind comments so much!
We're lucky to have Billy Boy, Strumelia! He was in sad shape when we found him on a road a little over 4 years ago. He's a goofy little dog and it's perfect.
@davisjames We don't do live performances. Though we have played 'out' some in the past, we haven't done so in quite awhile. We appreciate your listening and your kind comments so much!
Do you guys ever do live performances?That'd be a treat.
@davisjames It'd be a huge honor for Billy Boy's tune, most especially, if the dog doesn't die in the end.
If Wim Wenders("Paris,Texas") the German film maker èver makes a movie about a dog,this will be the theme song.
We're happy you enjoyed the little tune, @jim-dickens ! Many thanks for the nice comment.
Great little tune. I always look forward to hearing what you will post.
We're lucky to have Billy Boy, Strumelia! He was in sad shape when we found him on a road a little over 4 years ago. He's a goofy little dog and it's perfect.
Thanks for listening to our genre-defying tune!
Billy Boy is so lucky to be staying with your family.
What a creative bluesy tune, Robin and Mark! Has a touch of 'Western/tipsy/weary' to it, with just enough sadness yet hope... for the lost doggy!