Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Our Foundling, a work-in-progress

Our Foundling, a work-in-progress

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar duo

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 55


A tune named for our crazy little dog, Billy Boy, who we found as a stray on a state highway. He's been with us almost 5 years and we love him. Though he's a dog and not a child, we still think of him as our foundling.
Robin Thompson
09/06/24 07:30:56PM @robin-thompson:

@strumelia Billy Boy rules!  Thanks for the nice comments about BB and the tune! 

09/06/24 06:15:39PM @strumelia:

The Billy Boy, the myth, the legend:


Epic!  Look at him on his fittingly royal chaise!  🙌🏻

Robin Thompson
09/06/24 09:34:34AM @robin-thompson:

The Billy Boy, the myth, the legend: 

IMG_2072.jpg  •  195KB

09/05/24 09:49:22PM @strumelia:

How sweet, a lovely story and lovely tune. Maybe you could post a pic of Billy Boy so we can enjoy Billy's tune even more?

Robin Thompson
07/21/24 07:45:08AM @robin-thompson:

@macaodha Many thanks, Val!  When Mark and I sit to play music, Billy Boy wants to hang out in the room with us.  So, we take it as a sign he thinks we're not terrible.  :)

07/21/24 03:35:05AM @macaodha:

Beautiful composition, bet Billy Boy loves it too.

Robin Thompson
07/20/24 07:44:24PM @robin-thompson:

Thanks for listening, @john-c-knopf -- we're glad you liked it!  Billy Boy makes us laugh and we're grateful he's with us.  

John C. Knopf
07/20/24 06:56:35PM @john-c-knopf:

Sounds very nice, Robin!  I'm glad you're both enjoying your little foundling so much.