Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Deer at Dusk, a work-in-progress

Deer at Dusk, a work-in-progress

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 48

Robin Thompson
11/15/24 12:03:21PM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks, @anne-bowman !  Making music at home is our hobby and it keeps us out of mischief.  :)

Anne Bowman
11/15/24 07:10:43AM @anne-bowman:

That's so pretty and sounds lovely with the guitar behind it...

Robin Thompson
10/20/24 06:54:16PM @robin-thompson:

Wow, 30 deer in that short a time frame would be a lot even here where we can see deer pretty much daily this time of year.  You getting to see deer in a field on an island at dawn would have been magical.  We don't have "miniature" deer here.  When I was growing up, it was rare to see a deer in Ohio.  Not any longer.  They've lost so much habitat, you see them lots now.  It saddens me to see those which have gotten hit along roadways.  

10/20/24 03:17:14PM @davisjames:

Can't help but interject that this is quite different from "moose on the highway at 3 a.m."(Which is a very common event in NL).That said,one of my spookiest experiences was taking the short cut through northern Maine to get to Southern Ontario from Nova Scotia.4A.M.?I had a premonition,told my friend driving to slow the next ten minutes we saw at least 30 deer...on the 2 lane highway and on the shoulder...uncanny.Never forget it.On the beauty side,seeing a bunch of deer in a field on Vancouver Island at dawn..and miniature!Bit like the Florida Keys deer.

Robin Thompson
10/16/24 05:12:24PM @robin-thompson:

Thanks so much, @davisjames !  We enjoy seeing the deer here.  

10/16/24 01:23:54PM @davisjames:

Love that,the playing and the title both.

Robin Thompson
10/09/24 03:29:45PM @robin-thompson:

@dusty This tune must be begging you for lyrics because it didn't ask me for a thing.  jive

Thanks for listening, friend.  Indeed, we are all works-in-progress.  

Dusty Turtle
10/09/24 11:23:25AM @dusty:

Compelling. Sounds like a "song," like a melody begging for lyrics.

Aren't we all works-in-progress?

Robin Thompson
10/09/24 07:45:10AM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks for the kind comment, @olddog75 !  We're glad it has a peaceful feeling to it-- we were hoping to convey that.  

10/08/24 07:34:00PM @olddog75:

Nice work folks!  It really has a calm,  peaceful feeling to it

Robin Thompson
10/08/24 02:35:38PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, @gordon-hardy -- many thanks, friend!  We're happy you enjoyed it! 

Gordon Hardy
10/08/24 01:57:24PM @gordon-hardy:

Thanks Robin and Mark. A sweet melody so easy to listen to.