Wow, 30 deer in that short a time frame would be a lot even here where we can see deer pretty much daily this time of year. You getting to see deer in a field on an island at dawn would have been magical. We don't have "miniature" deer here. When I was growing up, it was rare to see a deer in Ohio. Not any longer. They've lost so much habitat, you see them lots now. It saddens me to see those which have gotten hit along roadways.
Can't help but interject that this is quite different from "moose on the highway at 3 a.m."(Which is a very common event in NL).That said,one of my spookiest experiences was taking the short cut through northern Maine to get to Southern Ontario from Nova Scotia.4A.M.?I had a premonition,told my friend driving to slow the next ten minutes we saw at least 30 deer...on the 2 lane highway and on the shoulder...uncanny.Never forget it.On the beauty side,seeing a bunch of deer in a field on Vancouver Island at dawn..and miniature!Bit like the Florida Keys deer.
Many thanks, @anne-bowman ! Making music at home is our hobby and it keeps us out of mischief. :)
That's so pretty and sounds lovely with the guitar behind it...
Wow, 30 deer in that short a time frame would be a lot even here where we can see deer pretty much daily this time of year. You getting to see deer in a field on an island at dawn would have been magical. We don't have "miniature" deer here. When I was growing up, it was rare to see a deer in Ohio. Not any longer. They've lost so much habitat, you see them lots now. It saddens me to see those which have gotten hit along roadways.
Can't help but interject that this is quite different from "moose on the highway at 3 a.m."(Which is a very common event in NL).That said,one of my spookiest experiences was taking the short cut through northern Maine to get to Southern Ontario from Nova Scotia.4A.M.?I had a premonition,told my friend driving to slow the next ten minutes we saw at least 30 deer...on the 2 lane highway and on the shoulder...uncanny.Never forget it.On the beauty side,seeing a bunch of deer in a field on Vancouver Island at dawn..and miniature!Bit like the Florida Keys deer.
Thanks so much, @davisjames ! We enjoy seeing the deer here.
Love that,the playing and the title both.
@dusty This tune must be begging you for lyrics because it didn't ask me for a thing.
Thanks for listening, friend. Indeed, we are all works-in-progress.
Compelling. Sounds like a "song," like a melody begging for lyrics.
Aren't we all works-in-progress?
Many thanks for the kind comment, @olddog75 ! We're glad it has a peaceful feeling to it-- we were hoping to convey that.
Nice work folks! It really has a calm, peaceful feeling to it
Hey, @gordon-hardy -- many thanks, friend! We're happy you enjoyed it!
Thanks Robin and Mark. A sweet melody so easy to listen to.