Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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fat felt pick demonstration on mountain dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:17
Using a fat felt pick on a mountain dulcimer creates a percussive sound. :)
Christine Shoemaker
05/23/18 11:33:54AM @christine-shoemaker:

Thank you, Robin!  I checked Elderly's website and you are correct, they still carry them.  Cool!

Robin Thompson
05/23/18 09:33:00AM @robin-thompson:

@christine-shoemaker, Chris, these fat Smith Brothers Cough Drops-- or was it Ludens-- shaped picks came from MI way back when I got them.  I'm guessing Elderly still carries them.  

Someday, I'll get back into practice with the felt pick so I can accompany my dulcimer with faux flat-footing.  :) 

Christine Shoemaker
05/22/18 08:32:03PM @christine-shoemaker:

I do believe that I want to give the felt a try now - thank you,

Robin Thompson
05/17/18 09:43:08PM @robin-thompson:

@sam @terry-wilson @elvensong The quick demo, I hope, allowed y'all to hear my attempt at using the pick to mimic the flat-foot sound.  Though my play using the felt pick is pretty rusty, it can be used to good effect with a bit of practice.  

05/15/18 11:38:19PM @elvensong:

Thanks for the demo. Not sure why I never considered a felt for dulcimer. clapper



Terry Wilson
05/15/18 09:53:10PM @terry-wilson:

Good demonstration,  Robin.  The only pic I use on ukes are felt.  Sometimes I play dulcimer with a felt, just can't be too floppy. Produces a slightly deeper tone., especially on uke.

Thanks for the demo.  Hey, love your picking porch.

05/15/18 06:38:20PM @sam:

Thanks for the demo Robin. I went through many shapes, thicknesses, materials when looking for what I liked personally. I did notice the dramatic difference in the percussive properties many.