Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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In Knee-Deep Snow

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:52
We have several inches of snow on the ground now. Originally, we put this little tune together when there was no snow on the ground. :)
Robin Thompson
04/21/22 09:38:36AM @robin-thompson:

@cindy-stammich I'm glad you enjoyed our little tune!  We had some light snow and snow flurries the other day, too-- Winter weather's last hurrah, perhaps.  :) Wishing you a song in your heart & happy strumming!  

Cindy Stammich
04/20/22 09:56:25PM @cindy-stammich:

Oh I love this!  Your music always makes me happy…..

even if it’s about knee-deep snow….  And by the way - it wasn’t deep but we had another light snow yesterday - April 19 ❄️…so the timing of listening to this😀

And I whole heartedly agree with what you said about homemade music bringing comfort to your ❤️ 

Robin Thompson
01/24/22 12:06:15PM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, @strumelia.  It's my soul in need of lifting and music helps do that.  I hope everybody who has it in their heart to make homemade music does so-- it can bring comfort to the heart! 

01/24/22 09:54:38AM @strumelia:

Soul-lifting, beautiful music Robin. Thank you for sharing it!

Robin Thompson
01/24/22 09:34:47AM @robin-thompson:

@cynthia-wigington It warms my heart that our music can be felt as healing.  Making music here at home is one of the most healing things in our lives.  Take care, make some music, and keep warm as best you can, my friend! 

@dusty-turtle Part of our driveway got plowed in so that part of what I was shoveling was way over knee-deep for me!  :) We're happy you enjoyed the tune.  Sunny & 65F sounds nice-- enjoy!  

Cynthia Wigington
01/24/22 05:23:16AM @cynthia-wigington:

Always so healing to be with you two in your music. Thank you. It's been real cold here in Vermont.

Dusty Turtle
01/24/22 01:29:12AM @dusty:

Only our dear diminutive Robin would consider 8 inches to be knee deep!  You two are especially in sync on this one.  And both instruments sound wonderful.

It was 65 and sunny here in northern Cal today.  I hope you guys stay warm and safe.

Robin Thompson
01/21/22 02:24:17PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, thank you, @kevin-burns!  Hope you & yours are well!  

Kevin Burns
01/21/22 01:47:15PM @kevin-burns:

Nice nod

Robin Thompson
01/20/22 10:21:29AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks, @dulcinina!  27F is cold-- we're cold and still under plenty of snow cover here in our little corner of SE Ohio.  Keep warm & happy strumming!  :)

01/20/22 09:13:47AM @dulcinina:

Nice job, guys. We just have a dusting now but it's 27 degrees.  Alexa says expect a high of 28 today.  Nina