Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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youtube videos: 39
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Snow On The Crocus

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:23
We had snow on the crocus a couple times this season and know the growing season is upon us!
Wishing for peace on Earth, peace which begins in the heart of each of us.
Robin Thompson
07/01/22 07:11:24PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, @terry-wilson, it's nice to see you here!  And thank you so much for the kind words, friend!  I hope you're getting to make some music on these Summer days!  

Terry Wilson
07/01/22 07:02:35PM @terry-wilson:

Robin,  I think you know I love all of your presentations.

wonderful sound.

Robin Thompson
05/03/22 08:20:23AM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks, @noah-cline -- we appreciate your listening & watching!  The audio and video differ a little yet not a lot.   

By the way, we had mosquitos out many weeks ago and it seems the cold snaps we've had tamped down their activity lots!  

Noah Cline
05/02/22 11:38:39PM @noah-cline:

Nice composition! I liked and listened to your audio recording several times as well as watching this. Had a few crocuses that were dusted a couple times as well. 

Robin Thompson
05/01/22 02:14:23PM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, @dan & @strumelia!  It is a nice Spring day here in SE Ohio today and even the daffodils are now all but done for for the year.  

05/01/22 09:56:46AM @strumelia:

Wonderful to hear and watch this, Robin.

05/01/22 09:56:25AM @dan:
